Veterans complain over GI Bill cuts



By Kery Murakami

One of the most lucrative benefits in the Post-9/11 GI Bill, the subsidy covers college tuition and housing for active-duty service members, who are allowed to pass their benefits to their spouses and children.

Last month, the House chopped the housing subsidy for dependents in half. The chairman of the Senate’s Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, Sen. Johnny Isakson, R-Ga., said he also backs a “common-sense” cut.

Paul Rieckhoff, CEO of the Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, said it’s unfair to cut so deeply a benefit that can be worth tens of thousands of dollars per year.hire vets

“Our community is outraged this is even an issue,” he told a joint hearing of the House and Senate veterans’ affairs committees this week. However, a review of the housing benefit found that payouts, which vary by location, often exceed actual costs.

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