Veterans suicide must be a top priority



By Patricia Kime

The Veterans Affairs Department is ratcheting up efforts to address the high rate of suicide among veterans, bringing in mental health experts, advocates and affected families to formulate an “action plan” in the coming months to reduce these preventable deaths.

VA Under Secretary for Health Dr. David Shulkin said Tuesday that suicide reduction is one of his top priorities, and he called on experts to help the department establish prevention initiatives aimed at getting veterans into treatment.

“This is really one of our top priority issues for VA,” Shulkin said. “Seeing the number of suicides that occur every day is simply not acceptable.”

The VA hosted a Veterans Suicide Summit in Washington, D.C., on Tuesday to jump-start the effort, drawing behavioral health providers, veterans service organizations, Defense Department personnel and veterans who have attempted suicide, as well as parents of troops who have died.

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  1. Per the 40+ years of experience of Dr. Peter Breggin, noted psychiatrist, psychotropic drugs contribute to rather than unravel mental illness and suicide. The Home Page of Dr. Breggin provides useful information. Thousands of persons have reported symptom relief by the use of Cerebral Electronic Stimulation, numberous devices of which are available on the market, and which have no harmful side-effects.

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