Veterans Afield brings disabled vets out to hunt



By Donna Frake

Service in the armed forces forges bonds that far exceed acquaintance, linking generations and shared experiences and for many, always the willingness to help a fellow veteran.

A prime example is a fledgling nonprofit organization that seeks to re-establish the connection disabled military veterans previously had as outdoorsmen.

When Patrick Horvath of Oak Creek left behind his work-a-day life, he decided to put his retirement to good use. And when co-worker and Hartland resident John Eskau, a World War II veteran, learned what his former boss was doing for fellow veterans, he wanted to help.

In 2013, Horvath started Veterans Afield, an organization that provides disabled veterans the opportunity to trap shoot and duck and pheasant hunt — all at no charge to disabled veterans.hire vets

He collaborates with the Veterans Affairs Hospital’s Spinal Cord Injury Department and the Wisconsin Chapter of the Paralyzed Veterans of America to solicit participants for a return to the outdoors.

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