Anti-poaching battlefield draws U.S. veterans



By Alison Morrow and Susan Wyatt

Now, a group of US veterans is rallying to stop the illegal killing of animals on the continent. Kinessa Johnson served as an Army mechanic in Afghanistan. A knee injury sent her back to civilian life early.

“I got out. I was really confused. I kind of became a nomad for a month,” she said. She modeled for gun companies and worked as a firearms instructor. She moved to Western Washington, always searching for the sense of purpose she’d known in the military. That’s when she met Marine Corps veteran Ryan Tate.

“It’s time that we start using those skills and putting them back to work,” said Tate. While traveling to Africa, Tate crossed into a new battlefield. Some estimate nearly 100 elephants are killed by poachers every day. A rhino horn is worth more than gold.

Tate believed he had the solution for two problems. He founded VETPAW – Veterans hire vetsEmpowered to Protect African Wildlife – and teamed up with Army medic Azad Ebrahimzadeh to make it work.

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