‘One-stop shop’ to open for wounded veterans



By Samantha Jones Toal

Veteran and student Garrett Anderson is excited for veterans on campus to have a “one-stop shop” to to find resources, guidance, counseling and more on campus.

The Center for Wounded Veterans in Higher Education is hosting an open house for veterans on campus Thursday.

“In the military you’re very structured. So when you throw these guys into college, they don’t have a set schedule so it’s hard for them to conceptualize how to set their own study routines,” said Anderson, a veteran and a graduate student in AHS. “So what we are going to do here is teach them those skills.”

The new facility will serve the approximated 350 veterans on campus as well as 150 dependents.hire vets

“We’ll be introduced to the center and be able to use it (Thursday),” said Jennifer Warning, a veteran and junior in LAS. “We’ll be more informed after the open house.”

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