VA and Military Dangerous to Your Health


    suicide-ibn-liveBetween the epidemic of veteran and active duty suicides and deaths at the hands of the Department of Veterans Affairs Healthcare system, we are killing this country’s most valuable National Treasures, our military personnel.

    Last month a report came out stating a new study indicated that a veteran kills themselves every 65 minutes. A couple of months before that a report was released by the Department of Defense stating the number of active duty suicides had surpassed the number of killed in action.

    In 2008 Operation Firing For Effect, Inc. attempted to bring attention to the growing number of VA related deaths by producing an audio detailing several real cases of death by the VA. OFFE was criticized heavily by a number of nationally recognized veterans’ advocates and national veteran service organizations for suggesting veterans not use the VA hospitals for emergencies and to call 911 instead. Shortly after we released the OFFE Medical Alert audio the VA starting announcing exactly the very same directions on their phone system at every VA hospital and clinic nationwide. Now the subject has come full circle and the situation has gotten even worst, not better.

    Experts have a number of theories about the epidemic of veteran suicides. From battle fatigue and multiple deployments, to failing domestic relationships and divorce, to some strange unidentified syndrome associated with military equipment or deployment locations. OFFE has been studying this problem from the divorce angle and have made some very interesting summations connecting veteran homelessness, hopelessness, and suicide to veterans returning home severely injured and unable to work, and having to pay alimony out of their VA disability compensation.

    First, the returning veteran loses his/her health and ability to work. Next, they lose their wife/husband. Then, in many cases they lose custody of their child/children. On top of that they are court ordered to pay alimony and/or child support from their only source of livelihood, their VA disability compensation. The depression is compounded several times over and any chance of starting a new family is financially out of their reach. Many try to ease the emotional pain with drugs or alcohol, while others simply put a gun to their head and blow their brains out.

    This happens more times than one might think, as most states consider VA disability compensation as “income”, just like any other source of income. Some states have passed legislation to comply with the federal protection of veteran’s disability compensation from being used to pay alimony, but, most states ignore the federal protection of veteran’s disability benefits.

    Even paying child support can be a difficult burden on some combat disabled veterans. We have to find ways to help the disabled care for their children without losing the ability to meet their own needs. We do no child justice if we cause one of their parents to become homelessness or commits suicide. In my opinion we have to look for new ways to help our disabled veterans deal with the loss of their family while providing support for their dependent children.

    A totally disabled veteran cannot support two families on their disability compensation alone. OFFE is currently lobbing in Washington DC for increasing the allowance veterans receive for their dependent children to a realistic cost of living amount to ease the financial burden on the veteran. These funds would continue to be paid to the child after the divorce and would help insure the needs of the child. This is one concept OFFE is currently developing. Maybe that is, or is not the right approach, but one thing is certain, unless we come up with innovate solutions to the problems of veteran deaths, our veterans and their families will continue to suffer.

    Getting back to the VA problem, here is a short clip from the OFFE Medical Alert OFFE produced in 2008. If you would like to hear the entire audio, simply email me with the words Medical Alert in the subject line and I will send you the file.

    The bottom line is we have to do something about the many reasons our Heroes are killing themselves and the VA is killing them too. The VA healthcare problem is a national disgrace. This situation has gotten way out of hand. It is about time the NVSO stood up for their dues paying members and raise hell about the VA situation. Our troops have always been there for us. Isn’t it about time we were there for them? Please watch the video below.

    MEDICAL ALERT was created by OPERATION FIRING FOR EFFECT in 2008. This clip is about 2 minutes long. If you wish to hear the entire 20 minute audio file, email me with the words MEDICAL ALERT in the subject line and I will send you the entire 20 minute file. You will hear the true accounts of veterans who have died outside the VA hospital, and several other similar stories of veterans dying because of negligence by the DVA. The first time OFFE released this production we were criticized heavily by a number of veterans’ advocates and organizations. It’s about time their membership got their dues worth whip ass. Between veteran suicides and the negligence of the VA, we are killing more veterans here at home than were killed during the entire Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, and other engagements put together.According to experts, a veteran kills themselves every 65 minutes. We are killing our Heroes!!! OFFE study indicates veteran homelessness and suicides are dirtectly related to divorce as one of the top 3 reasons…

    Video Written by: Jere Beery

    Video Edited by: Jere Beery
    Video Produced by: Gene Simes & Jere Beery

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    Although Jere Beery only served 4 years in the U.S. Navy, he has an impressive military history. Twenty seven months of that service was in the combat waters of Vietnam. His first duty station in 1965 was aboard the USS WESTCHESTER COUNTY, (LST-1167) as a Seaman. The WESTCHESTER COUNTY was involved in many operations within the combat waters of South Vietnam and received many awards and accolades for her service. The WESTCHESTER COUNTY was the recipient of 15 Battle Stars for her 19 years of service. LST-1167 was one of only 3 ships of her type to earn 15 Battle Stars (out of over 1200 LSTs built since before WWII). Beery's second duty station in 1967 was with the legendary PBRs of the Brown Water Navy. As a volunteer, Beery saw combat on a fairly routine basis with this elite group and their high speed patrol craft. On March 1, 1968, Beery's patrol was ambushed by a sizeable force of NVA and Viet Cong. The boat Beery was aboard took two direct RPG hits to her starboard side badly wounding four members of the boat's crew. Seaman Beery was the most severely wounded and not expected to live. The first RPG had exploded right where Beery was standing as he manned his 50 caliber machine gun. To this day, Beery contributes his survival to the live-saving actions of his patrol officer, LT. RICHARD GODBEHERE and his other crew members. Beery spent the next year and a half hospitalized and recovering from his wounds. THE GODBEHERE PATROL On November 1, 1968, while Jere Beery was recuperating at NAS Hospital, Jacksonville, Florida, USS WESTCHESTER COUNTY was attacked on the My Tho river. At 03:22 in the morning two very large mines were detonated on the ship's starboard side. 25 men were killed, 17 were ship's crew. Several of the men killed that morning were friends and former shipmates of Beery's. This incident has gone down in history as the greatest loss of life by the U.S. Navy in a single attack during the entire Vietnam War. USS WESTCHESTER COUNTY In mid-1969, Jere Beery was medically retired from the Navy. His service record reflects 1 Bronze Star, 3 Purple Hearts, and 5 military campaigns in Vietnam. Beery was also rated totally and permanently disabled by the Veterans Administration. Over the years since Vietnam, Jere Beery has attempted to do some things many thought impossible for someone with physical injuries such as his. During the early 80s, Jere Beery, as a member of the Screen Actors Guild pursued a brief career in the motion picture business as an actor. Beery landed a few small parts in a number of movies and television programs. On several occasions, to the amazement of many, Beery even executed his own stunts. In the 1986, Jere Beery gave up his career in the movies to crusade for his fellow veterans. Since that time, veteran's rights advocate Jere Beery has been a noted driving force in the Veteran's Rights Movement and effort to improve services for our veterans. Beery's efforts have been extremely well documents and many articles have been written about his quest. A few of these articles can be found on this page. You can also type the words "Jere Beery" into any search engine to find out more about Beery's efforts. Jere Beery's multifaceted story is truly an amazing one. From his survival in Vietnam, to risking additional injury executing stunts in the motion pictures, to fighting to protect the benefits earned by our troops, Jere Beery has forged his own trail and continues to amaze and baffle many. - Place and Date of Birth: Orlando, Fl - 03/13/48 - Raised: St. Augustine, Fl - Place & Date Enlistment: Jacksonville, Fl - 05/20/65 - Branch of service: U.S. Navy - Highest Rate/Rank: E4/PO3/Signalman Third Class - Duty Stations: USS WESTCHESTER COUNTY, LST-1167 and TF116, River Patrol Force, River Section - 511, (PBRs), Binh Thuy, RSVN - Date of Discharge: 5/14/69 - Type of Discharge: Honorable, Medically Retired - VA Rating: 100% Totally and Permanently Disabled Military Awards and Medals: - 1 Bronze Star - w/combat “V” Citation - 3 Purple Hearts - (1/5/68, 2/14/68, 3/1/68) - Vietnam Service Medal - w/1 Silver Star - (5 military campaigns in-country, RSVN) - Republic Of Vietnam Campaign Medal - w/1960 device - Combat Action Ribbon - Meritorious Unit Commendation Ribbon - Presidential Unit Commendation Ribbon - National Defense Medal - Republic of Vietnam Meritorious Unit Citation - Gallantry Cross Medal Color, w/Palm - Republic Of Vietnam Meritorious Unit Citation - Civil Actions Medal, First Class Color, w/Palm Military Training: - River Patrol Craft Training, (PBR), Mare Island, CA - Special Weapons Training, Mare Island, CA - J.E.S.T. (Jungle Environmental Survivor Training) – Cubi Point, Philippines - S.E.R.E. (Survival, Evasion, Resistance, Escape Training) – Whidbey Island, Washington State - Vietnamese Language – Mare Island, CA.

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