Program helps veterans transition back to civilian life

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By Claudia Laws

Anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder and guilt are just a few of the issues plaguing veterans who are transitioning back to civilian life.

The Meade County Firewise Veterans Program eases that shift for many veterans. The program, now in its third year, temporarily employs veterans, giving them full-time, temporary work on fire-related projects throughout the county.

But that’s not all the program does. It also puts the veterans in touch with a veteran services officer who shows the veterans assistance and opportunities available to them — everything from how to best update their resumes, internal training and career counseling — in addition to letting them know all the benefits they’re eligible for, including counseling.

“(The program) is very multi-faceted,” said Travis Ugland, of Spearfish, who works as the hire vetsprogram’s coordinator. “When they come on most of them have their own baggage and employment is just one of the issues they’re struggling with.”

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