Many watching for Curry’s choice for Jacksonville’s Military Affairs, Veterans Department

1417 Lenny Curry held an informal meeting with several members of his transition team at his Laura Street office Friday afternoon, May 22, 2015. (The Florida Times-Union/Bob Self)

By Clifford Davis

The director is both a liaison with the active military and an advocate for the city’s veterans.

With two naval stations, the liaison position is important and the chief of the department plays a key role in working with local Navy brass.

The position’s significance was underscored by an email sent by Rep. Ander Crenshaw’s chief of staff, Erica Striebel, to Curry’s chief of staff, Kerri Stewart.

“Do you have time for a phone conversation tomorrow on the military affairs position within hire vetsthe administration?” Striebel asked. “As you know, national security and defense issues are Ander’s top priorities here in DC and we have worked hand in hand with the past mayors on military issues.

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