NY senator pitches plan to help veterans and improve Northern Border security


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By Rose Spillman

New York Senator Charles Schumer was in Plattsburgh Monday urging Congress to help veterans get jobs and protect the Northern Border at the same time.

Jordanna Mallach is a combat veteran from Afghanistan living in Saranac Lake, New York. She says finding a job can be tough for anyone.

“I think in the North Country getting a job for a veteran or a non-veteran is an issue. Creating jobs in the North Country is important and it’s very challenging to find a job here,” said Mallach.

On Monday, New York Senator Charles Schumer came to Plattsburgh to talk about his latest bill; the Border Jobs for Veterans Act that could help veterans like Jordanna get jobs as border patrol officers.

“Our border officers do a great job day in and day out. They keep us safe. They have our gratitude, but we need more of them, and I’ve been making the fight to get more border hire vetsofficers for a long time. When it comes to protecting our Northern border, we need all the manpower we can get. All too often the southern border gets all the attention,” said Schumer.

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