Republicans Use Veterans Bill To Attack Planned Parenthood




A bill that would have helped female military veterans receive fertility treatments and counseling on Wednesday fell prey to the Republican war against Planned Parenthood.

Sen. Patty Murray (D-Wash.) abruptly pulled her bill to end a ban on fertility treatments for female veterans receiving care at VA hospitals from the Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee after Sen. Thom Tillis (R-N.C.) attached amendments targeting Planned Parenthood and other family planning organizations.

Tillis on Wednesday said he introduced the amendments because he believes the VA should focus on existing problems in the VA health system rather than introducing new programs.

“I’m concerned that we have a problem with priorities,” Tillis said on the Senate floor. “I’m hire vetsconcerned that maybe the focus isn’t where it needs to be to make sure that we take care of the most pressing problems for our veterans.”

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