Veterans should get care at University of Colorado Hospital



By Terrence Batliner

I have watched as the new Veterans Affairs hospital in Aurora has risen from the ground, grown to ridiculous proportions, and then stalled multiple times. All the while, veterans have been forced to seek care in a worn and outdated mess of a facility in East Denver.

I ran the VA hospitals in the Rocky Mountain states from 1995 to 2003. I left in disgust after support for an innovative approach for new VA health care facilities collapsed because some veteran groups got greedy and the Bush administration failed to lead the way to a 21st century solution.

I spent the last two years of my employment working out an arrangement for a new VA hospital and gathering support for the idea. I worked with the president of the University of Colorado Hospital, Dennis Brimhall, to forge a plan that would allow the VA and university health care facilities to merge.

The VA was to pay the university to expand its plans for health care facilities at Fitzimmons hire vetsand would ensure veterans’ needs were met through a shared governance arrangement: VA officials would serve in key positions on the board of trustees of the University of Colorado Hospital.

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