Feldman named coordinator of veterans services


Old Glory

By Middlesex County College

Richard Feldman, an Air Force veteran with many years of experience as a business executive, consultant and assistant academic dean, was appointed coordinator of the Center for Veterans Services at Middlesex County College, which serves several hundred student veterans.

Feldman is a Vietnam-era veteran, who served as a personnel officer, recruiting officer and casualty services officer, and was awarded the Air Force Commendation Medal, with oak leaf cluster. After active duty he served a short time in the New Jersey Air National Guard.

The MCC Center coordinates services for student military veterans, acting as a one-stop location to assist with their veteran entitlements and the processing of paperwork. It also offers information on resources and services available to veterans, and is a place where they can socialize with others vets.hire vets

The center was established in 2011 with a grant from the Willard T.C. Johnson Foundation. The grant was renewed in 2014.

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