Military Veteran Designation on Municipal IDs Delayed



by Kristen Meriwether

On Monday New York City officially launched its new municipal identification card program, called IDNYC. The new form of ID, which will be accepted by city agencies including the NYPD and some financial institutions, gives a new opportunity to New Yorkers currently unable to get state or federal identification due to immigration or housing status.

During the press conference announcing the roll-out of IDNYC, Mayor Bill de Blasio made special reference to the benefits military veterans would receive with the new ID.

“We want to make sure that every veteran gets all the support and the benefits due to them, so there will be a special veterans designations on this card to help each and every veteran get the benefits they deserve,” de Blasio said at the press conference.

But the cards being issued this week will not have a military veteran designation. In fact, thehire vets only mention of anything related to veterans on the two-page card application is the use of a military ID as one form of documentation that can be used to apply.

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