Motion Picture Television Fund Helps Veterans Receive Beneifts, Health Services



Figuring out veteran’s benefits for seniors can be a lengthy and daunting task.

Sadly, many in the entertainment industry don’t even know they’re entitled to benefits, and it is assistance that can make the later years of life a lot less stressful.

The Motion Picture and Television Fund (MPTF) is one outlet that is helping to provide services and health care to seniors who have spent their time in the entertainment industry.

One of those seniors is Frank Fassnacht, a Korean War veteran who is also a longtime Disney employee. Like a lot of veterans, Fassnacht is entitled to certain benefits in his senior years. MPTF is helping seniors to navigate through the government’s red tape.

“We do advocacy…Imagine an 85-,87-, 91-year-old frail senior going to the [U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs] and sitting there for two hours or sometimes more,” said Naomi Rodda, director of community social services at MPTF.

There are close to 200 residents at the Wasserman Campus, which houses retirees from the entertainment industry. But MPTF helps more than just the residents.

According to Bob Beitcher, president and CEO of MPTF, there are 16 social workers out on hire vetsthe field at UCLA and there are five health care centers throughout Southern California.

Fassnacht, who said the most important thing is the friendships he’s made at the Wasserman Campus, is happy to know that he is taken care of.

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