Falling Ruble? Invest in Soviet Gold & Silver Jewelry!


In this video Dmitry Tamoikin, founder of SovietJewelry.com, talks about the falling value of the Russian Ruble, Ukrainian Hryvnia as well as other currencies – AND – how purchasing Soviet Gold & Silver Jewelry can protect your savings against this unfortunate inflation.

Direct video link: http://youtu.be/-o_hjZAmEhc
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Dmitry Tamoikin is Founder & CEO of Earth Sphere Development Company (ESDC). Dmitry Tamoikin specializes in project development and venture capital. He has written and co-authored several publications about art, antiques and collectibles. Dmitry is most known for writing three world's first books about Soviet gold jewelry, launching the Soviet gold and silver market and selling the XVI century Solovetsky Iconostasis for $5 million US [the most expensive icon ever sold to date]. He is also passionate about protecting the ecosystem in a realistic and timely way. Above all, Dmitry believes that with the current technologies it is possible to merge profit with sustainability, in so achieving a truly advanced civilization on planet Earth.

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