Help Veterans with Traumatic Brain Injury



Senators Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) and Kelly Ayotte (R-NH) today applauded Senate passage of legislation (H.R. 4276) that will enhance treatment services for New Hampshire veterans living with traumatic brain injuries and ensure they receive the care they need.

The bill now goes to the President to be signed into law. The New Hampshire Senators introduced companion legislation in the Senate and worked to ensure final passage of the House bill.

The legislation would modify the Assisted-Living for Veterans with Traumatic Brain Injury (AL-TBI) pilot program, which was created in 2008 to place veterans with these severe injuries in residential living programs. Roughly 200 veterans have participated in the program, including a number of New Hampshire veterans who have been treated at Robin Hill Farm, a community-based center in Hillsboro that provides brain injury rehabilitation services.

The bill will enhance treatment services by clarifying the category of services provided, improving rehabilitation providers’ participation in the program, and boosting transparency and accountability when it comes to the program’s operation. In August, Congress extended the AL-TBI program until 2017.

“Traumatic brain injuries have afflicted too many veterans, many of whom are returning from Iraq and Afghanistan, and we must make sure they are provided with the care they need,” Shaheen said. “Enhancing this program will make a real difference for veterans living with these injuries.”
hire vets
“Veterans who experience traumatic brain injury need special care and support in order to recover, rebuild their lives, and reintegrate into their communities,” Ayotte said. “I’m pleased Congress has given final approval to this legislation, which will help ensure that veterans who are being treated at facilities like Robin Hill Farm can continue to receive the care and services they deserve.”

Since 1985, Robin Hill Farm has served 100 percent service-connected veterans from New Hampshire, Maine, Vermont, New York and Virginia.

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