Raffle fundraiser to benefit veterans



The American Legion Post 6 and AMVETS will host a second annual Veterans Helping Veterans fundraiser at Archie’s Still Saturday.

Proceeds from the event will benefit the Portage County Veterans Emergency Relief Fund, which helps veterans financially when they’re in need. Saturday’s event will consist of watching the annual Army-Navy football game and a raffle to win a variety of prizes, such as gift cards and a golf outing.

Event organizer Robert Golla, chairman of veterans assistance at the American Legion, said the money supplied to veterans by the fund is typically needed for just a short period of time, to take care of bills or buy gas.

“It’s just for somebody that needs just a little leg up, a little lift,” Golla said.hire vets

The event raised $2,067 in its first year, and Golla said the organizers hope to double those results Saturday.

The event will begin at 1:30 p.m.

Sari Lesk can be reached at 715-345-2257. Follow her on Twitter as @Sari_Lesk.

If you go

What: Veterans Helping Veterans fundraiser

When: 1:30 p.m. on Saturday

Where: Archie’s Still, 2317 Division St.

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