New York University Hiring Now!


buffalo-stateBuffalo State University Joins the largest online job board for U.S. Veterans in an effort to help our nation’s veterans get back into the workforce.

Through research, scholarly, and creative activities in all academic disciplines, Buffalo State students become bolder and more confident. At Buffalo State, students learn by doing.

At Buffalo State, a learning community is a block of courses that explores a complex theme through four or five classes. The faculty work to demonstrate how their particular course reflects the theme and connects to learning in other courses. Students take all of these courses together and form friendships that last beyond graduation.

Buffalo State is seeking to hire for the following jobs: Director of Student Life, Assistant for Institutional Research, Data Research Analyst, Assistant Business Manager, Research Assistant Professor, Lecturer, Procurement/Travel Card Administrator, Staff Assistant, Senior Staff Assistant and an Accounts Payable Clerk.

Click Here To View And Apply To All Of Buffalo State’s Available Positions!

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