Today the media prognosticators will do their charts, cite their polls and make their assessments on the results from the 2014 midterm elections. How exciting. Another cycle of “Great Expectations” posed for even bigger disappointments.
by Batr Sartre
A Congress firmly in the hands of the GOP ready to wage war against a Democrat progressive collectivist may seem promising for the heartland.
However, there are very few indications that a monumental battle for a return to a constitutional republic will be the objective of Republican leadership.
Fire Reid with a McConnell replacement simply means that deal making might return to the Capital, but forget about a most needed Presidential Appomattox surrender. There is no Court House in America that will allow the treason of Obama to be brought to justice.
Ah, the federalists can relax; their system of bipartisan corruption will remain intact. If there is any doubt what the establishment wants, just examine the graphic chart from the quid essential mouth piece of the NWO, the Economist. Their optimistic vs. pessimistic assessment reveals their Free Trade, Climate Warming, Pro Corporate Immigration agenda.
America has been beaten down for the last quarter century with few brief periods of marginal relief. The historic 2010 Tea Party inspired election provided a GOP majority in the House. After the 2014 count, the kindred of conservative populists became less powerful, since the next Speaker of the House will be able to push legislation friendly to the interests of large donors, who buy the best candidates that will play ball.
John Boehner is their man and taking tea with genuine Republican conservatives is less likely. RINO’s and NeoCons have reserved seats at the table, and populists are reduced to a segregated minority. Mitch McConnell loves to broker deals. Oh, the money interests will rally to the insider arrangement that the Economist so plainly wish will be an era of cooperation.
All hail the return of the filibuster, or so goes the hope of a deliberate and statesmanship Senate. However, the Harry Reid nuclear option may not be as easy as a simple vote to put the genie back in the bottle.
No doubt those principled Republicans will disassemble key components of Obamacare, right? Well, you will see just how much power resides in the insurance companies and how little influence the depressed middle class excretes.
In the essay, The mid-term elections – What they’re all about, that same Economist expounds.
“The mid-terms will decide which party controls the Senate, as well as picking every member of the House of Representatives, 36 state governors (see article) and 45 statehouses. They also offer an opportunity for some political phrenology: a chance to infer something about the country’s mood. Several issues have threatened to dominate only to fade a little: Obamacare, a surge of child migrants into Texas, scandals at the Department of Veterans’ Affairs, the racially-charged riots in Ferguson, Missouri, the beheadings of Americans by jihadists and lately the first cases of Ebola on American soil have all played this role.”
How trite and ignorant of the mechanics of what motivates the electorate. The notion that people vote on the basis of the Ferguson federally approved Eric Holder distraction is an insult to every person who really is concerned about civil liberties. The hubbub over alleged or real beheadings is hardly an issue that powers the selection of a voting lever.
Of course in the era of computer counted ballots, chad cards, early mail voting and illegal voting – the notion of selecting a candidate that will ensure that you will keep your head may be just too much to expect.
Nuisance and periphery distractions are the mother’s milk of an ideology, a party or a candidate that is desperate and behind. The Democrats will lose today because of the most basic reason for anyone who votes their own self-interest. Namely, the Obama controlled administration has failed to deliver a brighter future. So much for government of hope . . .
Before the undecided express glee with a Republican Congress, consider the prospects of actual action. Priebus Rallies Base: GOP Will Stop Obama’s ‘Un-American’ Amnesty” If We Win Senate boast as reported by Breitbart. So how did he answer at a town hall meeting when one woman even asked Priebus why the “sergeant at arms hasn’t arrested Obama” for our “wide open borders.”
Priebus handled it with ease.
“I understand there’s a little bit of hyperbole, but I understand your point, which is the president’s role in the Constitution is to enforce the law,” he said. “So the president wants to take Article II and ignore that part to enforce the law. He wants to be Article I, which is the legislature, and write all the laws. And then he’s appointing all of his judges to take care of Article III.”
Coping with a slight of hand is the art of political protection. Never answer the true issue. Why won’t the Republican Party impeach Obama over his treason? Must be that nasty Ferguson psyop factor!

Since the rule of law has been ignored for so long, the invented practice of circumventing plain legal language with the paragon of fiat administrative decrees has become an accepted practice. The politicization of the judiciary and the extortion of honest judges leave a pattern of rule by press release.
Should people be upbeat (not in the same sense of the Economist optimism)? Just what are the market prospects of a GOP victory? According to Kevin Mahn published by Forbes, Midterm Elections Bode Bullishly For U.S. Stocks provides a narrow and arcane viewpoint.
“The first research study I reviewed in this regard was conducted by S&P Capital IQ. The study (summarized in the chart below) concluded that the stock market – which was defined in this study by the S&P 500 index – has gained 15.3% on average in the six months following a mid-term election in the 3rd year of a given term of a presidency, which is this case this year with President Obama – recognizing, of course, that this is the second term of Obama’s presidency.
The study also showed that the frequency of advance (“FoA”) for this occurrence was 94% of the overall time period of October 31, 1944 – September 29, 2014 for this research study. Midterm elections are currently scheduled for November 4, 2014, so this would roughly translate to the period of November 2014 – April 2014.”
OK the Federal Reserve has ended QE so that must bode well for equities??? That goes contrary to all the forecasts that conclude that cheap liquid money drives up stock prices, so what is Wall Street saying about a GOP controlled Congress? Financial elites love making money in any economic environment. So working with eager Republicans to expand transnational trade agreements may be the lasting result in the next Congress.
Of course none of these treaties improve the economic plight of ordinary citizens.
The perennial lefty Katrina vanden Heuvel warns of The catastrophes that a GOP-controlled Congress would bring. She is correct on the “free trade” pacts and that Obama will coordinate with the corporatist tools from either party to further their economic stranglehold.
“But a Republican takeover of the Senate is not a threat just because of what Republicans will do. Progressives should also worry about the many areas of potential agreement between the president and a Republican-controlled Senate. It is Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.), for example, not Republicans, who is denying the president fast-track authority to force corporate trade deals through Congress.
Without Reid in the way, “free-trade” pacts like Trans-Pacific Partnership — which labor leaders have called “NAFTA on steroids” — are likely to become the law of the land. Likewise, President Obama and Republicans could agree to pursue lower corporate tax rates — as opposed to infrastructure investments and job creation — as their primary economic-development initiative.
And let’s not forget that Obama has repeatedly floated cuts to Social Security as a bargaining chip in negotiations with Republican leaders. Although we believe that the president has many progressive instincts, he has shown an inclination to seek consensus rather than to fight. If Republicans control both chambers of Congress, any consensus will err to the right.”
Where is the representation for the American constituency of struggling citizens? The last Radical Reactionary essay, 2014 Election Business as Usual explains why savvy observers should not expect the moon. Now that the early voting results have Republicans 10% ahead, start preparing for another Grand Old Party letdown.
All the Obama scandals taint the reputations of incumbent Democrats. The motivation for voting for a Republican candidate is often out of frustration. Intense positive approval is rare among rational and sane voters. Usually the vested interest government minions rally to the Democrat state/capitalism bandwagon. Let’s hope the rank and file see through all the fear and identity politics and vote to retire the failed progressive agenda. However, the duty of every voter is to keep the fire to the feet of any elected representative from both parties.
SARTRE – November 4, 2014
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SARTRE is the pen name of James Hall, a reformed, former political operative. This pundit’s formal instruction in History, Philosophy and Political Science served as training for activism, on the staff of several politicians and in many campaigns.
A believer in authentic Public Service, independent business interests were pursued in the private sector. As a small business owner and entrepreneur, several successful ventures expanded opportunities for customers and employees. Speculation in markets, and international business investments, allowed for extensive travel and a world view for commerce. He is retired and lives with his wife in a rural community.
“Populism” best describes the approach to SARTRE’s perspective on Politics. Realities, suggest that American Values can be restored with an appreciation of “Pragmatic Anarchism.” Reforms will require an Existential approach. “Ideas Move the World,” and SARTRE’S intent is to stir the conscience of those who desire to bring back a common sense, moral and traditional value culture for America.
Not seeking fame nor fortune, SARTRE’s only goal is to ask the questions that few will dare … Having refused the invites of an academic career because of the hypocrisy of elite’s, the search for TRUTH is the challenge that is made to all readers. It starts within yourself and is achieved only with your sincere desire to face Reality.
So who is SARTRE? He is really an ordinary man just like you, who invites you to join in on this journey.
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