Leading Manufacturer Has Available Positions!


wexcoWexco Joins Hireveterans.com the largest online job board for U.S. Veterans in an effort to help our nation’s veterans get back into the workforce.

Wexco Corporation is a leading producer of Bimetallic barrels, Centrifugal casting, Cylinder Wear solutions, Wear resistant alloys, Bimetallic Cylinders, and Cylinder blanks & liners. Wexco produces custom, high-quality cylinders, castings, barrels and machining for use on all major applications. Wexco’s products are found worldwide in mild to severe abrasion and corrosion wear environments.


Wexco cylinders are found processing plastics, rubber, food, metal, magnesium, textiles, and chemicals on five continents. Processors specify Wexco barrels and alloys to sustain wear life and performance

For over 33 years, Wexco has developed partnerships by delivering unsurpassed service, dependable delivery, expertise and quality. Their worldwide relationships help to drive advances in technology to support the companies that design, engineer, build and distribute plastics, rubber and other process systems. 


Click Here To View And Apply To All Of Wexco’s Available Positions!

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