NFL’s All-Time Dream Fantasy Showdowns


1nfl2Author, Afghanistan Veteran Damalis Bryant Pits 13 Iconic Teams Against Each Other in “NFL’s All-Time Dream Showdowns: Fantasy Match ups & Realistic Results”


With another glorious NFL season kicking off, fantasy football gurus as well as amateur fans have a new resource to pique their interest in the game’s storied history. “NFL’s All-Time Dream Showdowns: Fantasy Matchups & Realistic Results” compares 13 of the best single-season pro football teams by way of compellingly narrated, fictional games.

Author and sports buff Damalis Bryant completed the book while deployed in Afghanistan as a supply specialist in the US Army; the book is now for sale on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

Given the growing popularity and diversity of fantasy football leagues, the market for Bryant’s first published book is potentially huge. The Madden-like fantasy matchups that he describes are painstakingly researched and realistic. Bryant has published “NFL’s All-Time Dream Showdowns” though Write To Excite Publishing, the company he founded in 2012.

Bryant’s fantasy football book showcases the unique style that he developed while working as a sports journalist at his alma mater, Norfolk State University. Prior to publishing “NFL’s All-Time Dream Showdowns,” he finished similar books on boxing and professional basketball.

Chapter one of “NFL’s All-Time Dream Showdowns” includes detailed scouting reports on all 13 teams. Subsequent chapters build around themes of interest to historians of the game. In chapter 3, for example, the focus is on the 1992 Dallas Cowboys, perhaps the high water mark for “America’s Team.” Chapter 5 pits the San Francisco 49ers of 1989 and 1994 against rivals from different eras. The books concluding chapter features a series of high-caliber matchups designed to select the “greatest ever” NFL team.

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Reviews of the book have been enthusiastic:

  • “I enjoyed this book immensely, from the early introduction of Hall of Fame greats to the final whistle when the Super Bowl Champ of All Time is revealed. Anyone with any interest in football also will enjoy this wonderful book.”
  • “I found this to be a very enjoyable book. If you like football, I think that you will enjoy this loving tribute to the great teams of the past.”
  • “Damalis Bryant writes well and that is one of the reasons that this book works as well as it does. His research and concept is so on the mark that even the most informed footballer will cheer him on. That, fans, is an amazing achievement.”

Next up for Bryant is the publication of his already-finished books on the NBA and heavyweight boxing, both of which follow the same format as the NFL book. Book on Major League Baseball as well as welterweight and middleweight boxing are also in the pipeline. Bryant has a sequel in mind for “NFL’s All-Time Dream Showdowns” that will chronicle 12 new teams that didn’t make the original cut. Sequels to the other planned books are also likely.

1nflAbout Damalis Bryant

Decorated serviceman Damalis Bryant graduated from Norfolk State University with a print journalism degree in 2002. While working on his degree, he covered news and sports for “The Spartan Echo” and developed a keen interest in sports writing.

In 2009, Bryant joined the US Army and was deployed to Afghanistan from 2010 to 2011. He has received numerous awards for service and bravery, including the Combat Action Badge, the Global War on Terrorism Medal, the National Defense Medal, the Parachute Badge and the Afghanistan Campaign Medal.

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