Human Slaves of Covert Technology
… by Cara St.Louis
“The Borg: We wish to improve ourselves. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service ours. Picard: Impossible. My culture is based on freedom and self-determination. TB: Freedom is irrelevant. Self-determination is irrelevant. You must comply. Picard: We would rather die. TB: Death is irrelevant.”

Belgium is a country on the front pages of Alternative News right now. Not only is there a common law trial being held there in which the Vatican itself is being held accountable for conducting Satanic rituals, an allegation now apparently proved, and ritualistically murdering thousands and thousands of children besides, Belgium is a hotbed of civil unrest and civil disobedience.
It is home to politician Laurent Louis, who dared to accuse Belgian Prime Minister Elio di Rupo, of pedophilia. It is also home to a movement to ban outright the unwitting experimentation on human beings by any exotic technology of any kind.
It is a country in which hundreds of thousands of citizens took to the streets and protested gross negligence in the Belgian government, even inciting the fire brigade to turn their hoses on the federal Parliament buildings to symbolically cleanse them. With this 1996 march, known in Belgium as The White March, Belgium found itself on the brink of revolution.
There have been violent demonstrations in Brussels of late although the main stream media is, as always, utterly silent about them. In addition, and perhaps most importantly when one considers the above, it is the home to the European Union Parliament.

Melanie Vritschan is Public Relations Manager for The European Coalition Against Covert Harassment (EUCACH). She has worked as the Communications Manager of a European navigation satellite system developed by the European Space Agency (ESA). She was also the Public Relations and Events Officer at a European Foundation committed to the improvement of rights and situations of youth at risk.
At this time, she is running for election to the EU Parliament via the movement Debout Les Belges. DLB refers to itself as a movement rather than a party per se because, in fact, it “promotes the abolishment of political parties, true citizen’s governance and national unity.” She and many other around the globe are watching the International Common Law Court of Justice (ICLCJ) trial closely so that they can enact similar trials and empower the people to throw off the yoke of maritime and corporate law and begin to relearn Natural Law.
I spoke to Melanie today about the trial of the catholic church, the movement to interrupt the micro-chipping of every human being on this planet, the cessation of illegal medical experimentation on the same, and life in general for those who take on the Empire of a Psychotic Few.
Indirectly, Melanie has a connection to the ICLCJ trial, in that she has been following the progress of Rev. Kevin Annett as he pushed to bring these atrocities to light. Annett holds the role of Special Assistant to the Prosecutor during the trial and they have been communicating. Vritschan refers to this proceeding as a Tribunal of Conscience.
“Natural and Customary Law allows for the establishment of popular courts of justice when the existing legal and governmental authorities are subverting the law and justice, or aiding those who do. Common Law arose historically to uphold the liberties of the people against tyranny, whether religious or secular, and accordingly, has universal jurisdiction when convened as a jury court by more than twelve duly sworn men and women.”
Melanie is running on the platform associated with the DLB alongside politician Laurent Louis, who achieved some notoriety after accusing the Belgian Prime Minister, Elio di Rupo, of being a paedophile. Msr. Louis is very outspoken on numerous tough issues. He was subsequently removed from Parliament because of his outspokenness on one fateful morning in particular.

During that session, he reportedly engaged in a discussion with his peers, including Prime Minister di Rupo, in which he replied to the same thusly: Thank you, Mr. Pedophile…oh, sorry…Prime Minister.” There is a video of that proceeding which Msr. Laurent tried long and hard to obtain. It can now be viewed on Debout Les Belges’ Facebook page.
Laurent Louis is running in Belgium, in his region, called “Le Hainault” in Mons, where Prime Minister di Rupo is the Mayor.
It is hoped that some of the more critical and immediate human rights issues currently being addressed by The European Coalition Against Covert Harassment (EUCACH) can then be taken up in the EU Parliament, wherein the laws and treaties forbidding much of what is going on in the war against humanity can be brought to the attention of more of the global population.
As is, those associated with EUCACH are being harassed, gang stalked, and there has even been a purported assassination attempt against its head, Magnus Olsson, who has stated that: 80% of humanity may be implanted with Transhumanist remote neural monitoring implants. My personal research as a lecturer and writer on Transhumanism confirms this number and it is climbing fast.

Melanie herself continues to be the victim of gang-stalking, literally by the very authorities we used to believe were there to protect us. She and a friend returned on 30 December 2013, to Melanie’s flat, for example, after a shopping trip to find three policemen waiting for them. They were separated and Melanie was taken, handcuffed, for an immediate psychiatric exam without showing due cause or a warrant.
She was presented to a psychiatrist who was then ordered to admit her without any reasons given. Her GP came to her aid, confirming Melanie’s role as a human rights activist and convinced the psychiatrist to discharge her.
However, when she returned home, she found her apartment had been ransacked by the police, her neighbor having been knocked to the ground when trying to intervene. Why? Melanie has been and continues to be part of a program that scans anyone who wants to be scanned for microchips and government implants. This, apparently, the authorities view as a problem.
This brings us to the other organization in Melanie’s work life, the International Center Against Abuse of Covert Technologies (ICAAT). There are a number of these weapons with which to contend, however we can let EUCACH speak here:
“We at the Coalition against Covert Harassment demand a total ban in the European Union on all weapons systems operating on new physics principles used to torture or inflict other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment including electronic weapons, electromagnetic weapons, magnetic weapons, directed energy weapons, geophysical weapons, wave-energy weapons, frequency weapons, genetic weapons, scalar weapons, psychotronic weapons, chemtrail aerosol weapons, implant weapons, nanotechnology weapons, high frequency active auroral weapons (HAARP), and information technology weapons. These weapons are currently used to attack and murder defenseless citizens on a massive scale around the globe. EUCACH has submitted a proposal for an EC regulation to the EU last September with the aim of banning such weapons of mass destruction in the European Union.”

DARPA, NSA, CIA, and a host of other agencies and private corporations are dedicated to research and development of human control technologies. As if consumed by madness, these entities rage ahead, developing ever more demonic technologies.
The question has to be asked. How many times can a person be killed? How many times can a piece of earth be destroyed? In other words, what are they trying to prove?
The snapshot of the twentieth century, as my research has revealed, is deep all-encompassing social and cultural engineering but to what end? It goes hand-in-hand with trans-humanism (Trance-humanism), and the non-consensual experimentation on an unwary public that results in chronic illness, impairment and death on a massive scale. We have been stirred, kneaded, molded to prepare us both to not notice what is happening and to accept it when we do without a thought and even happily participate in the genociding of humanity.

Micro-chipping, whether it be a rice grain-sized implant injected into us via a vaccine or the transformation of our own cells via the bio-accumulation of nano-particles, is simply a tool with which to chain us when they want us bound and to make us dance when they want some entertainment. Simple. It’s all about control, it’s all about creating a synthetic automaton.
EUCACH insists: any technologies and techniques capable of endangering the human physical and/or psychological health, to modify the individuals’ autonomy and affect their dignity should be strictly prohibited. A statement like that should happily cause an analysis of everything that’s been laid over life on this planet in the last century, at least. Yes, it’s been going on for centuries but that is a distraction we cannot afford to get lost in.
ICAAT does regular free testing of members of the public. They scan the body for radio frequency emissions. At this point, these events are combined with organized victims’ interviews with the support of a camera team, which also covered Laurent Louis’s trial related to his work against paedophilia.
Hundreds of people have given their testimony about scanning and the physical ailments which led them to seek scanning. These chips are most often found, critically, over the body’s chakra points. Confounding the chakras and the frequency path by which human beings engage their own consciousness is typical of the black entities operating this global assault. They are: on the top of the head; back of the head; neck; scapula (heart chakra); along the spine is quite popular for obvious neurologic reasons; the stomach; the heart proper; the genitals (very important to the black powers); and the knees.
These scans have been backed up by medical scanning technology and the scanners can be veiwed on the website. Additionally, scans have been performed inside a Farraday cage for confirmation. My suggestion is that if you are interested in a scan or want to know more about the technology involved you contact EUCACH directly. Once enough data is collected, these people hope to be able to form and conduct a Common Law trial in the same way that Kevin Annett is helping to conduct his.
As a matter of fact, the focus of the Adversaries on both the sexual assault of children and the obscenely premature exposure to sex education levied at our children, are very effective tools in “harnessing” us to the lowest chakra and preventing us from moving any further “up” as spiritual beings. There is much to say around this chakra, that disabling, and that form of assault. However, the collecting up of data relating to real-time cases of implantation is the critical first step in stopping it.
Editing: Erica P. Wissinger
Cara St.Louis hails from the Four Corners region of the American Southwest where the individualist spirit is rooted in both its rugged landscape and magnificent vistas. She raised three children, became a nurse, a teacher, wrote novels, screenplays and a slew of articles along the way.
Currently, her interests are firmly located in the esoteric realm, sovereign status for the individual, and exposing the realm of plasma and aerosol war and transhumanism. She writes and lectures extensively on the same. VT’s independence and eclectic band of writers has drawn her here where we will offer good earth, fresh water and clean air to continue growing.
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