Warzone Blues Band Seeks Veterans To Join Band


bluesDisabled Not Disarmed

100% Disabled Vietnam Veteran Don Parent (pictured below) is in the process of putting together “The Warzone Blues Band”. This Veterans fund raising project is still in need of several more California Based Disabled Vet musicians to round out the band.

Kenny Lee Lewis of the Steve Miller Band is participating in the engineering and post production aspects.

“We still need a lead singer and several female backup singers plus piano, and horns. Hopefully Disabled Vets but we will consider veterans of any era. At this time we have all Vietnam War Vets in the band but could use some younger singers and musicians to pretty up us old boys”, Don says!

The name Warzone Blues Band does not limit the band to only blues but they will be performing and recording Jazz, Rock, Country and all genres of music.

100% Disabled Vietnam Veteran Don Parent
100% Disabled Vietnam Veteran Don Parent

Don has written all the songs and has enough ready for the first album. Here are a few:

  • Disabled Not Disarmed: About a severely disabled vet that people look at with pity not realizing the warrior still inside.
  • Road Rage Warrior: About a Desert Storm Soldier who tore up the streets of Iraq and then can’t get the pedal off the metal back in the states. (Written with humor)
  • Cooking With Claymores: Vietnam Vet pinching C4 from Claymore mines to heat his C Rats until his perimeter is attacked and all he hears is a click when he tries to fire the empty shell. (Also written with humor).

Don believes a healthy dose of humor is a key ingredient to healing from war. He shows this in his well-received book “The Warzone PTSD Survivors Guide”.
Don is also a guitar player in the band.

He can be contacted at: DonP@PTSDHotline.Com

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