National Tech Driven Freight Transport Company Now Hiring Veterans!


Dedicated Logistics Joins the largest online job board for U.S. Veterans in an effort to help our nation’s veterans get back into the workforce.


168 Job’s … Drivers Needed!


Dedicated Logistics, Inc. (DLI), pride’s themselves on being leaders in providing tailored, technology-driven freight transportation solutions that help our customers achieve a competitive advantage, both locally and nationally.

DLI was founded in 1995 with a goal of elevating the integrity of the trucking industry by developing solutions that are equal parts common business sense and advanced technologies. The company has worked very hard to achieve this goal as evidenced by several significant accomplishments. DLI was the first company in the industry to provide real-time shipment updates. They were the first to create shared accounts for multiple businesses, and the first to redefine fleet management by using GPS technology to integrate fleet operations for multiple customers.

Today, DLI offers a variety of services including tractor and trailer leasing, freight brokerage, warehousing, fleet management, and logistics consulting that allow us to meet virtually any customer need.


 Click Here To View And Apply To All Of Dedicated Logistics’ Available Positions!

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