Brothers Fund Offers Small Business Loans to Veterans In NYC Metro Area


New micro-lending program, in partnership with Accion East, gives returning military men and women the chance to fulfill their dreams

The Brothers Fund, a new micro-lending program, wants to give returning military men and women a shot at starting or growing their own small businesses. Working in conjunction with Accion East, the fund will initially focus on veterans from the New York metropolitan area.

Spearheaded by advertising executive Carl Anderson, the Brothers Fund will look to extend its offering nationally as a means of showing appreciation to returning veterans for their service by helping them fulfill their entrepreneurial dreams.

Carl Anderson, founder of the Brothers Fund, said the name of the fund was chosen to memorialize his father and three uncles, four young men from the same family who all served in World War II and returned safely home to provide better lives for their families.

“Our veterans put their lives on the line to protect our freedoms and to defend our great country,” said Carl Anderson. “This is one way to show appreciation, and give someone who might not be able to get lending from a commercial enterprise a shot at the American Dream.”

Contributing Partners to the Brothers Fund include Mel Washington, former CEO of Project Enterprise, and Jane Lauterback, Founder and CEO of High Line Consulting Group.

How the Brothers Fund works
Using the business experience and expertise of a board of senior level executives from the New York area, the Brothers Fund offers loans up to $25,000, as well as a program that includes business planning services, mentorship, and technical assistance for those veterans who may not be able to access capital from commercial sources.

The Brothers Fund…
The Brothers Fund is partnering with ACCION East, a micro-lender, which will match the loans granted and will also provide lending, underwriting and loan administration services for borrowers referred by The Brothers Fund. Borrowers introduced by The Brothers Fund must meet ACCION East’s lending criteria, as well as ACCION East’s normal operating procedures and policies.

“Our military men and women returning home today are highly trained professionals,” Anderson continued. “They have experience taking the lead in very challenging environments…a great foundation for running one’s own business successfully. They should have the chance to use those skills and succeed on the home front.”
A secondary goal of the Brothers Fund is that veterans who have benefitted from its funding will one day pay it forward by hiring other vets to work in their businesses.

To learn more about the Brothers Fund or how veterans can access a small business loan, go to or email Jane Lauterback at


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