Veteran homelessness in Alabama decreasing


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By  Christopher Harress

Homelessness among veterans in Alabama decreased for a third year in row, reflecting a nationwide trend that has seen a significant drop in the amount of former U.S. military personnel living without a home, according to a recently released government report.

The number of homeless veterans in the Yellowhammer state dropped from 542 in 2014 to 373 in 2016, according to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s 2016 annual report. Nationwide, figures have plummeted from around 57,800 in 2013 to just below 40,000 this year, which represents around 9 percent of all homeless people in the United States.

42 states saw a decrease in veteran homelessness while eight saw an increase.

As the war in Iraq ended in 2011 and the Afghanistan conflict began to wind down, the number of homeless veterans soared to more than 65,000, according to the report.

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