This is Outright Gas-Lighting

Hillary Clinton at 911ceremony
Hillary Clinton at 9/11 Commemoration Ceremony

by David Seaman

Continue to expose the sinister Hillary Clinton campaign for what it is: a wildly failed attempt by a handful of elites to seize power. They were hoping for a home run by rigging the corporate media, instead they’ve struck out – word of Hillary Clinton’s poor health and erratic behavior has gone mainstream, and will continue to do so.

Vicious warmongers in favor of surveillance, wars for profit, and centralized financial authorities.

Hillary Clinton’s entourage helped her to a van after she fainted during the ceremony at New York’s National September 11 Memorial & Museum, Fox News reported, citing a law enforcement source.

According to the report, Clinton stumbled off the curb while her “knees buckled” and lost a shoe as she entered the van.

Hillary Clinton leaves the September 11 Commemoration Ceremony assisted by an aide.
Hillary Clinton leaves the September 11 Commemoration Ceremony assisted by an aide.


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