Veterans “tapping” away PTSD, stress, anxiety


    To combat PTSD, tension, trauma, anxiety, and stress (especially with Covid and a nation in the grips of a racial reckoning), veterans have turned to The Tapping Solution app approved by the VA.

    Tapping is a holistic healing treatment that combines acupressure points and meditation. It’s proven to effectively resolve stress/anxiety, phobias, sleep deprivation, emotional disorders, chronic pain, etc.

    Since Feb the app’s users are up by over 80%. Over 3M tapping meditations have been played in 130+ countries, and Tapping has been praised in CNN, Cosmo, Women’s Health, Psychology Today, and many more. The Tapping Solution Foundation financially supports the Veterans Stress Project as well.

    What is Tapping?

    Tapping is also known as EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique). It is a powerful holistic healing technique that resolves a range of issues. It’s based on the combined principles of ancient Chinese acupressure and modern psychology.

    The basic Tapping technique requires you to focus on a negative emotion at hand. This can be a fear, a worry, a bad memory, or any unresolved problem. You do this while maintaining your mental focus on this issue. Then you use your fingertips to tap 5-7 times on 9 specific meridian points of the body.

    Tapping on these meridian endpoints, while addressing the root cause of distress, sends a calming signal to the brain. This allows you to feel relaxed and in control.

    Tapping kept me from taking my own life. I suffered from the suicidal compulsion for about 6 years, through a deep abyss of PTSD. One day, the compulsion to jump off our balcony arose out of nowhere. I needed help FAST. I started tapping and the compulsion to jump off the balcony receded, then vanished. I have no doubt whatsoever that Tapping saved my life that day.

    I tried Tapping to deal with PTSD, deep depression, and uncontrollable anxiety that was keeping me awake 23 hours a day. My body was falling apart from years of medication, and I had zero coping skills. Two years later, I still use Tapping to find my way out of that deep dark pit of despair.

    I am a Veteran and an online Professor for American Military University and I teach ‘Psychology of Disaster,’ ‘Psychology of Combat,’ and ‘Stress, PTSD, and Military Culture in the Online Classroom.’ (Yes, I am a Veteran.) I use Tapping myself. I tell all my friends about it. I tell my other faculty about it. I tell all my students about it. I tell my clients about it, and use it with them. And, my business partner and I will release our signature course soon utilizing Tapping and other modalities. It’s changed my life.

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