Industries that Love to Hire Veterans


We live in a world where one can get to see the job postings in LinkedIn posted exclusively for the freshers. But one is very rarely aware of the fact that many industries around the world are vying to hire veterans. It is not unusual to get shocked when one says, a whole new career post a military experience. Some of those are listed below.

  • Business

The veterans can start their own business that finds similarities in the military roles they have served in the past. As these veterans are well versed in strategy framing, they can play a pivotal role in the management aspect of a company. They should not be inducted in the marketing roles for their strict demeanour but in roles that require critical thinking. Even a simple vape store would require a proper strategy to succeed, the veterans would do the needful in this case.

  • Technology 

To get into a tech firm, all it requires is a very sharp mind, the ability to adapt quickly to changes and update oneself according to the new environment. It is the same dot that connects everything in the universe. A similar kind of mindset is required in the military services as well. These veterans can indeed take up some of the challenging roles in the technology sector and provide in their inputs and guidance expertise.

  • Transport services 

The veterans are well versed in logistical planning, transportation of goods, and services from one place to another and aim for reaching the location at the right time. They can take up some of the bigger roles in a transport services company and allot the vehicles, drivers, etc according to the purpose it tends to serve.

  • Environmental protection agencies 

The veterans who have spent most of their lives in dark, unexplored places are well aware of the environmental hazards facing mankind. They can aim to be a part of some environmental protection agencies and form laws, rules, and regulations. As they were involved in law enforcement, they can prove to be good lawmakers as well.

  • Teaching 

The veterans can involve themselves in teaching the future aspiring military candidates. They can enroll themselves in an Army College and provide all the practical experience they have gained in the field as an excellent input to foster the future guardians of the country. In case they wish to do something for the downtrodden, they can start an NGO and teach the kids to find peace after much chaos throughout their lives.

  • Healthcare 

Healthcare is one of the most promising industries to work in for military veterans. They hold relevant experience in treating the wounds they encountered on the battlefield. They would have also been in touch with several doctors who served for the army. They can play a very significant role in framing medical policies for the army officers and also in private healthcare companies.

One can see that the kind of skills and training imparted on the military officials make them fit for a lot of industries. The military walk of life makes them very sharp-minded to make swift decisions for the benefit of the organization.

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