Inc magazine published an article Why a Mentor is A Must – and in it, movie maker George Lucas noted, “Mentors have a way of seeing more of our faults that we would like. It’s the only way we grow.”

In this episode of The Military Wire, you’ll hear from a military mom Andrea Biwer, also the Executive Director of Des Plaines Chamber of Commerce in the Greater Chicago area who is transforming how their community is honoring and positioning veterans for success and she shares how they are helping Veterans understand their value.
You’ll also hear from Marne Diethorn, Director of Human Resources at Rivers Casino in Des Plaines who is also a Marine, no longer on active duty, and she shares how mentorship played a role in her corporate success and how mentorship will be key to your success.
If you want to truly grow, find a mentor.

The Military Wire, hosted by Mike Schindler, interviews some of America’s most elite men and women who have served this country in hopes that you the listener will gain an “ah-ha” moment that will help you move your life forward.
Mike is a US Navy Veteran, an award-winning author, and has been featured on Yahoo Finance, the Boston Globe, NY Post, USA Today, Q13 Fox, and numerous other media outlets discussing why today’s Veterans are truly one of America’s Greatest Assets. Mike is the author of two highly endorsed books, “Operation Military Family: How Military Couples are Fighting to Preserve their Marriages,” and “U.S. Veterans in the Workforce: Why the 7% are America’s Greatest Asset.”
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