Hernia: What Are The Treatment Options?


The weakening of tissues in the muscular wall leads to an unbearable and painful condition termed as Hernia. The muscular wall in our abdomen keeps all the organs in the right place, and so a minor tweak can also cause significant pain.

Hernias usually worsen with time. If the hernia patient is not treated on time, it can lead to several life-threatening conditions. Let us understand what is hernia, how it is caused, and various treatment options for the patients to deal with it.

Hernia causes and symptoms

Usually, there is no particular reason for a hernia to occur. The risk is higher among aged men than aged women. As you grow, the chances and occurrence of hernia also increase.

There might be a recurrence of hernia due to abdominal surgery or injury. A hernia might be by birth or can occur among children with weak peritoneum. But there are specific reasons which can lead to a hernia. They are:

  • Constant cough
  • Lifting of heavy objects
  • Physical strain
  • Fibrosis (Cystic)
  • Smoking and drinking
  • Pressure while urinating and pooping
  • Lack of nutrition

There can be several other factors leading to hernia. A hernia is usually a swelling in the abdominal region without any pain. But you might feel discomfort while bending over or lifting heavy items.

Treatment options for Hernia

A hernia can be diagnosed by physical examination. You might feel a bulge near the area, and while you stand up, the bump might seem swollen in the groin or abdominal area. A hernia can be further diagnosed with CT scans, MRI as well as ultrasound. The treatment for hernia usually depends on its type and severity.

1.     Surgery

Hernia surgery is of two types. The type of surgery again depends upon the complexity of hernia.

Open Hernia repair

An open hernia is performed with patients having only one hernia and never had a history before.

  • Firstly anesthesia will be given to numb the area. An incision would be made at the groin or abdomen where the hernia has occurred and push back the organ at its place.
  • They will then remove the sac, which held the hernia and fix the muscle.
  • The muscle can be fixed by placing a healthy muscle or reinforcing a piece of mesh in the affected area. The mesh helps in reducing the risk of forming any other hernia as it doesn’t assert any pressure on the abdominal wall.
  • Once the surgery is performed, the cut is closed with stitches or surgical glue.

Open hernia surgery takes time in healing. Patients can be back to routine only after a few weeks.

Laparoscopic Surgery

For inguinal hernia, laparoscopic surgery is performed by doctors. It is also done if you have more than one hernia or have been through a hernia surgery in the past. The operation is done by giving general anesthesia.

The doctor makes smaller incisions, and the affected area is inflated with the help of gas, and then a tube having light and camera is inserted. This type of surgery leaves fewer scars and is less painful after surgery. Recovery is much faster than the recovery by open hernia surgery, but according to studies, the chances of recurrence are higher in laparoscopic surgery.

2.     Medications

Medications do not fully cure the hernia, but they can reduce discomfort and pain among patients. Thus, a patient must seek a doctor’s advice before taking any medication. Medicines, such as H-2 receptor and antacids, help in relieving stomach acid, thus reducing the discomfort.

3.     Diet and exercises

No diet can make the Hernia dissolve on its own, but it can treat the symptoms and lower the discomfort. One must follow a healthy lifestyle and ensure a few things in mind if suffering from a hernia:

  1. Do not take heavy meals.
  2. Have frequent and small meals at regular intervals.
  3. Also, bending or lying down after lunch is not recommended.
  4. The body weight should be kept in control.
  5. People suffering from hernia are advised to follow specific exercises to strengthen their muscles.
  6. Make sure the surgery is performed correctly, or else it would increase the pressure on the weakened tissue.
  7. Avoid having spicy or oily food that causes acidity or reflux.

One cannot treat hernia on their own, but the immense pain, which arises due to it, can be reduced. You must take care of your health post the hernia surgery. There are no dietary restrictions for hernia patients, but after a few days, if you still feel fatigued and there is a loss in appetite, do contact your doctor immediately.

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