5 Reasons to Choose Businesses That Support Veterans

Entrepreneur and US Marine veteran on mission to establish bottled water company to benefit veterans, seeks support through GoFundMe page.


Most people want to give back to veterans, yet they don’t always know how to go about doing that. One way to help is to support those businesses that have a mission of helping veterans. Will Post, an entrepreneur and US Marine veteran, is on a mission to help raise money for veterans and bring about awareness regarding veteran suicide rates. His new mission is to raise funds to start Our Soldiers Spring & Bottled Water Corp., which will bottle and sell high mountain spring water. Once the company is established it will have donation buttons on the website, making it simple for people to donate to veteran-focused charities.

“People know that veterans need our help and support, but they don’t know how to help them,” explains Will Post, who is an entrepreneur, veteran, and is the founder of Our Soldiers Spring & Bottled Water Corp. “When we come together, putting our funds into a good cause that will address veteran issues, we can do a tremendous amount of good. That’s exactly what the mission is with the Our Soldiers Spring & Bottled Water Corp.”

Post is in the process of raising funds to go forward with opening a bottled water company that will raise money to support veteran initiatives, specifically organizations that provide assistance to veterans. The water will be pure and clean, coming from a pristine high mountain spring. While it provides consumers with a source of healthy, clean water, it will also make it easier for people to make direct donations to the individual charities, including the Semper Fi Fund and the Wounded Warrior Project. A portion of the proceeds from the water sales will also be donated to the two organizations.

The unique logo that was created for the water company was designed to honor fallen soldiers. It features a military weapon, helmet, boots, and dog tags. The image serves as an important reminder of the support that is being given to veterans and soldiers.

Here are 5 reasons to seek out and support veteran businesses:

1. By supporting a business that backs the efforts of charities that help veterans, consumers will be helping veterans. Charity organizations cannot be successful with their mission if they don’t get the funds they need to carry out their programs.
2. Supporting veteran owned businesses helps provide support to many others as well. Millions of veteran-owned businesses have employees, so sales will go to support them as well.
3. Supporting veteran owned businesses inspires other veterans to put their skills to use opening a business. It gives them hope and helps to keep them happily engaged in life.
4. Supporting veteran owned businesses and those that provide funds to organizations is an act of patriotism. It gives people a chance to show their appreciation for the service they provided to the country.
5. It’s estimated by the U.S. Small Business Administration that veterans are 45 percent more likely to be self-employed than non-veterans. This may be in part because they have a unique skill set to share and they have been taught leadership skills in the military that are a great foundation for entrepreneurship.

“We all need clean drinking water in our lives as a part of a healthy diet,” adds Post. “Why not choose to help veterans with every bottle that you drink? That’s what my mission is about, and with the help of those who donate it will become a success. Every donation is helpful and appreciated, and will get us one step closer to helping to provide veterans and consumers alike with what they need to thrive.”

According to the US Department of Veterans Affairs, there were over 6,000 veterans in the country who committed suicide during 2017. In fact, since 2008, there have been at least 6,000 veteran suicides every year. They also report that the suicide rate for veterans is 1.5 times that for non-veteran adults. Suicide prevention is a priority, and veteran-focused charity organizations help to address this situation by giving veterans the resources and support that they need.

The Our Soldiers Spring & Bottled Water Corp. has a video regarding veteran suicide and the fundraising, which can be viewed here:

Those who would like to make a donation to help support the Our Soldiers Spring & Bottled Water Corp. can log go to the GoFundMe page or online to visit the Facebook page.

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