Healing Addictions, Solutions at the Spiritual Root Cause (Part 4 of 11)


Healing Addictions, Solutions at the Spiritual Root Cause (Part 4 of 11) is written by Steve Robertson

This article, “Healing Addictions, Solutions at the Spiritual Root Cause”, will attempt to deep dive into the root causes of addictions and then offer spiritually empowering solutions from which one can forever free themselves to heal and become more authentically whole to live in a more loving state of miracles that are always and ever-present.

This fourth article is part of an eleven-part series.Ā  In order to access each additional chapter in this series, soon to be published as a book, you are encouraged to Buy Me a Coffee on Ko-Fi.com in order to receive an access code to the next article in the series.

As you read ahead and potentially find value in this article, please consider your support of my work and that of his organization Project Peace On Earth by:Ā  Ā 

When you support my work,Ā  I will send you the access code to the next article in the series and also send you a free downloadable copy of his book The Power of Choice, Success and Your Life Purpose.

(Part 4)

The true self, God-self or I AM only responds congruently and motivates only through thoughts and/or words of love, peace, forgiveness, and compassion, and from the empowered time-space perspective of the present moment.

Additionally, consider the following discerning and differentiating reality of paying close attention to the words we or others think and/or speak.Ā  As an example, let us consider the frequently used word of ā€œneed.ā€ When you think of the word ā€œneed,ā€ does it feel closer to the definition of abundance or lack? If like most, you conclude that it feels closer to lack, then let us ask next: If the word ā€œneedā€ is closer to a definition of lack, does this word “lack” feel closer to the definition of love or fear? If you conclude fear, as do most, then next ask does the word ā€œfearā€ feel closer to a definition of responding or reacting? Again, if you are like most, you will conclude that the word ā€œfearā€ feels closer to a reaction.

This process of logical deduction and the granulation of wordsā€™ core definitions ultimately empower the understanding that anytime we or someone thinks and then speaks the word ā€œneedā€ (or other similar words like: “should”, “have to”, or “must”) within the context of an intended and core creative command, then it is known that the only future possibility that can be co-created and/or called into form is a reality of fear, lack, reaction or a bottom-line reality of drama. This paradox can become frustrating apparent in the face of someone we know who continually asks for or commands for a more positive and future reality thru using the words patterns of fear, lack, and reaction.Ā  In doing so and in essence, this same person will frequently proclaim themselves and failures as falling victim to various and unrelated circumstances.Ā  To them, the carrot of their most desired outcome always seems perpetually out of reach even though they pray for and proclaim (through their thoughts, words, and actions a core intent of fear, lack, and reaction) for new loving and prosperous realities more loudly and forcefully.

Simply put, words that define fear, lack, and reaction can only create similar and corollary outcomes.Ā  In other words, from basic physics, we know that like energies attract like.Ā  The reality is that the ego-mind (our fearfully chosen states of consciousness) can only use the vernacular of words that are based in fear, lack, and reaction and a time and space perspective of the past or future.Ā  The ego-mind is always and perpetually limited to fearful words, emotions, manipulative motivations and/or phrases.Ā  Under no circumstances, whatsoever, can it ever use the loving, empowering and present time tense of the words of the Divine.

The reason for this is because the Divine or Music of the Sphere’s transmission continually offers our consciousness the means by to delineate and differentiate false guidance from that of the loving guidance of the truth.Ā  Simply put, the Divine and God-Self guidance only operates and motivates from the present moment of complete empowerment and uses only words of love, the present tense, inspiration,Ā and compassion.

Similarly, the ego-mind or fearful-self can only motivate from a past or future time frame and can only ever use motivating thoughts or words of fear, lack, and reaction.Ā  Think of the logic behind this.Ā  If the ego mind ever had access to the words of the Divine, we would be in a state of total confusion about how to differentiate information that is lovingly intended (from our God-self or I AM) to serve our spiritual growth versus information, from the ego-mind, that is intended to harm us, keep us in suffering and/or sabotage the self’s spiritual growth and our positively intended dreams.


Now for a moment, let us consider four new command words such as IĀ will, IĀ choose, IĀ want, or IĀ desire (or, you could even use the word “that’s required”). When you think of using these words to call forth a future possibility, ask yourself,Ā  do they feel closer to a state of abundance or lack? If you feel them closer to abundance next ask does the word abundance feel closer to a definition of love or fear? If you conclude that it feels closer to love, then ask does the word love feel closer to a definition of responding or reacting?Ā  The obvious answer is “responding”.Ā  Therefore by choosing command words that reflect the authority of self-realized empowerment (I AM) and an intent to co-create from a state of abundance, love,Ā and response from our present state awareness, then we will create the same.Ā  Again, like energies attract.

Choosing command words that proclaim self-empowerment and authentic choices ultimately reflect the wise intent of co-creating from the end goal of what one DOES WANT to create. Ultimately, this clear volition is likened to the hero’s journey as described by Joseph Campbell.Ā  In this archetypal story, the hero decides to leave the village of conformity in pursuit of their dream (slay the dragon, retrieve the holy grail, or otherwise).Ā  Along with this journey, their faith and the courage of their conviction will be tested over and over again.Ā  Finally, nearing the end of their journey, they are presented with one final and grand test, “the bridge of no return”.

Only true heroes are deemed with the inner strength and courage to pass this test and cross this bridge.Ā  These brave hearts who do make it to bridge’s other side are inwardly and ritually then instructed to turn back to the bridge and to burn it to the ground.Ā  In so doing, the hero removes any and all temptations from ever retreating away from their intended dream or goal.Ā  The only option they completely commit and resolve to is to fulfill the goal they originally set out to achieve.Ā  In other words, success is their only option.


In contradiction to the actions of a true hero, the process of unconsciously choosing from command words which are based on fear, lack and reaction reflects the awareness of someone who is choosing to co-create from what they DON’T WANT to create.Ā  The example of an unawakened and unrealized hero reflects a person has failed to ever ask the larger question about what their life mission might be.Ā  For the moment and in this sleepwalking state they choose to live a complacent life and desire, as a result, little more than feeding their most basic and immediate of personal and egotistical desires.Ā  Ā This state of unrealized potential precludes this person, or anyone, from dreaming of unrealized possibilities and/or ever taking the first step(s) towards their inevitable hero’s journey.

Respectively, humanity appears to be at a pivotal time where we can choose to transition consciousness from the ā€œPersonaā€, which in Latin means to ā€œpump air through oneā€™s maskā€ (the mask of the ego-mind) into a more enlightened state of becoming the ā€œhereticā€, which in Latin means ā€œthe person who knows that they can chooseā€.Ā  When we choose to listen carefully to our truest inner self, our I AM or God-Self and also speak from the present moment of our most empowered envisioned goal then we will call new possibilities into form and witness the reality of our heartā€™s greatest dreams come true.


Remember, the Jesus figure said in Psalms 82:6 “You are gods, And all of you are sons of the Most-High”.Ā  He would later go on to say ā€œEven the least among you can do what I have done and greater thingsā€ ~ John 14:12. Ā  How else can one rationally interpret this quote other thanĀ  ā€œI did it (enlightenment), you can do it and even go further than I.ā€Ā  Later Jesus infers that this is possible if you first find: ā€œThe kingdom of heaven is within you.ā€~Luke 17:21.Ā  Jesus later states this is attainable by: ā€œVerily I say unto you, except ye be converted, and become as little children (attain a metaphorical state of spiritual innocence), ye shall not enter the kingdom of heaven.ā€~Matthew 18:3

Then, and only through this state of aligned child-like innocence (or what the Buddhist call ā€œegolessā€ or what Christians might term a state of ā€œsurrenderā€ or ā€œatonementā€) with Godā€™s Will, can we be awakened to integrate into the state of being as referred to in Psalms 46:10: ā€œBE still, and know that I AM Godā€.

Only then and from this cognized state of awareness can we know and BEĀ  ā€œAnd God SAID (spoke the ā€œWordā€ which means ā€œthe primary creative harmonyā€) let there be light.ā€ (Genesis 1:3). From this more awakened state we will know as it says in John 1:14 ā€œAnd the WordĀ (again the “Word” translates into “Primary Harmony”) was made flesh, and dwelt among us, full of grace and truth.ā€ Hence, we can understand and witness what Einstein said in his famous equation of E=MC2 that ā€œEnergy and Mass are different forms of the same thing.ā€


Interestingly, when Einstein would come home from school his mother apparently never asked him if he made good grades, instead, she said, “Did you ask good questions?”

To further realize your most empowered sober possibilities I encourage you ask of your innermost BEING to understand and realize the most wise words of PataƱjali, the compiler of the Yoga Sutras (Sanskrit: 150 BCE): ā€œWhen you are inspired by some great purpose, some extraordinary project, all your thoughts break their bonds: Your mind transcends limitations, your consciousness expands in every direction, and you find yourself in a new, great, and wonderful world. Dormant forces, faculties, andĀ talents become alive, and you discover yourself to be a greater person by far than you ever dreamed yourself to be.ā€

“If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you.”Ā John 15:7Ā 


In conclusion, I believe the biggest issue we, as individuals, and humanity face is one that the Jesus figure brought to light in his profound quote, “Love thy neighbor, as thy self”.Ā  And, this quote literally misunderstood and acted on from our current and collective state of consciousness and perspective,Ā  I believe, is at the root cause all of ourĀ planet’s great horrors to date…Ā  And, this is because weĀ are literally loving our neighbors exactly how we love ourselvesā€¦and that is ā€˜we love ourselves horriblyā€™.Ā 

The state of not loving ourselves defines the cause of all addictions.Ā 

In truth, it is a shortĀ distance to our own heart and yet I can be a very long journey to get there. The process of healing the self and humanity will resultĀ from each of us being more fully authentic and reverently loving of the self and/or establishing, in modern terms, a healthy sense of self-esteem.Ā  This as proposed, and for those less informed and poised toĀ react, is the exact opposite of the definition of narcissism.

Ā ā€œThe healing of ourselves is the healing of the whole nation.ā€Ā ā€“Ā Buddhist poet Thich Nhat Han

You see, one person cannot give to another what he or she does not first have for themselves. If you have not first found inner peace, love, kindness, compassion, and care for yourself then the only thing you are capable of sharing, projecting, offering and acting on, in regards to other people, animals, and mother earth, is the opposite of this.Ā Therefore, until each of us truly finds the kingdom of heaven that is within, that which is defined by expressing the loving, peace, compassion and innocence of a child, then we will continue to project our crazy self-hatred on to other people, animals, and mother earthā€¦defining them as ā€œthe Othersā€ and then psychopathically harming, murdering and destroying them instead of lovingly embracing them as ā€œall are oneā€ as an extension of Godā€™s Divine gift to us.



(READ MORE by in Part V- “All of Humanity is Lovingly Connected” thruĀ Buying Me a Coffee on Ko-Fi.com

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National Best Selling Authors proclaim:Ā 



Steveā€™s book is ā€¦ ā€œA TEXTBOOK for the Soulā€Ā ā€“ Caroline Myss, PhD (National Best-Selling author of ā€œAnatomy of the Spiritā€ – Oprah guest some 40 times)

ā€œRobertson is a Living Avatar on whose shining example our future may depend.ā€ā€“ Larry Dossey, MD (National Best Selling Author of ā€œOne Mindā€ and ā€œThe Power of Prayerā€ former Executive Director of the National Institute of Health, Alternative Medicine Division )


Steve’s book usesā€¦ā€beautiful metaphors and analogies that lead in every instance to awareness, self-responsibility, and our Divinityā€Ā ā€“ Gary Zukav (National Best Selling author of ā€œSeat of the Soulā€ 10 million copies and Oprah Guest some 40 times)




Steveā€™s book is ā€¦ā€required reading for anyone who has longed to find and fulfill their life purpose.ā€Ā ā€“ Don Miguel Ruiz, MD (National Best selling author of ā€œThe Four Agreementsā€ – 4 million plus sold, Oprah Guest)



Steveā€™s bookā€¦ā€can empower you and help you bring your gifts to the world.ā€Ā ā€“ Jack Kornfield, PhD (National Best Selling Author of ā€œA Path With Heartā€ – Founder of the Mindful Meditation movement)



Steveā€™s book offers ā€¦ā€rich and spiritually authentic insights into the meaning of life and how to find and live your life purpose.ā€Ā ā€“ Gerald (Jerry) Jampolsky, MD and Diane Cirincione, PhDĀ (National Best Selling Authors, Pioneers in the Human Potential Movement – Oprah Guest)



Steveā€™s book is ā€¦ā€a treasure trove of timeless wisdom and spiritual guidance.ā€Ā ā€“ Alexander Astin, PhD (Considered the worldā€™s most widely quoted person on Higher Education. Co-founder of UCLA Higher Education Research Institute. Best Selling Author of ā€œCultivating the Spiritā€.)



Steveā€™s bookā€¦ā€looks at all of us in the eye and asks us to awaken to our own power and force.ā€Ā  Jack Healey, former Executive Director of Amnesty International. Former Franciscan Monk.

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Steve Robertson is the Founder and CEO of ProjectPeaceOnEarth.org (PPoE) and the PeaceSongAwards.org Robertson is also the Founder and CEO of SupportVeteransNow.org, PenPalsForPeace.org and the LoveAllLoveWins.orgĀ campaigns. The ProjectPeaceOnEarth.org Steering Committee and Advisory Board consist of 41 world-famed/Grammy-winning musicians, Academy award-winning filmmakers, Emmy winning TV producers, top scientists, doctors, higher-education scholars, human rights and world-thought leaders in the areas of consciousness and spiritual development. Robertson has produced three international peace concerts from and for Bethlehem Palestine on Christmas Day and for the Middle East/Global Peace out to some 80 million homes worldwide which featured Grammy-winning musicians, famed celebrities, and thought-leaders. Overview of Steve Robertson's/PPoE achievements to date: In 2009, Robertson lead a nationwide bus tour called "Peace Has Begun" that served to frame the word "peace" as a verb for social good and promote the planned annual Project Peace on Earth global musical prayer concerts. Ā The bus was a traveling media studio that featured two broadcast journalists who interviewed people on their commitment and actions towards inner and outer peace. In September of 2010, Steve lead a medical mission, with famed eye surgeon Paul Dougherty MD, to Hebron Palestine which resulted in the restoration of eyesight (40 free cataract surgeries) to elderly people. Ā Michael Garcia, former VP of Development for HBO traveled with the Medical Mission to film a documentary called "Visions of Peace." On November 25th, 2011, Robertson, Executive Produced a promotional aerial image, in conjunction with John Quigley (PPOE Advisory Board), additional PPoE Middle East Production team members and a UNRWA team, that consisted of some 1000 Palestinian refugee children forming the Picasso Peace Dove image and spelling out the words ā€œLove Allā€ both in English and Arabic. On September 26th, 2012 the UN selected the Picasso Peace Dove and Love All still image photo (out of some 800,000 over the course of the UN) as one of the 49 most iconic images ever captured since the organizationā€™s inception. In 2014 Robertson became an Executive Producer and the Artistic Mentor on the Shanti Samsara Environmental Consciousness benefit album. The album, produced by Ricky Kej, was produced at the request of Prime Minister Modi of India, to honor all forms of life from a Vedic and Buddhist perspective.Ā  Prime Minister Modi presented this album during his November 2014 UN Climate Change Conference Keynote Speech in Paris to every Presidential attendee at the event. The 150-page pictorial coffee table book and 2 CD album set involved over 500 musicians and 40 countries. In November of 2014 Robertson created and Executive Produced the 2 Unite All benefit album to bring surgical teams, medical supplies, and PTSD Therapies into GAZA and the Middle East Region to support greater peace. The album features numerous world-famed Grammy-winning musicians ā€¦30 major musicians including Peter Gabriel, Roger Waters (Pink Floyd), Philip Lawrence (Burno Mars), Stewart Copeland (The Police), Thomas Bergersen (2 Billion YouTube video hits), Gary Nicholson (Grammy Winner and TX Hall of Fame) and many more.Ā  The album is endorsed by Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Professor Noam Chomsky, Oliver Stone, Vera Baboun (former Mayor of Bethlehem) and many more. In 2017 Steve founded the PeaceSongAwards.orgĀ (PSA) worldwide contest which serves as a search for our worldā€™s most enlightened musicians, songs, spoken word poetry and music videos that guide the way to inner peace and outer peace on earth.Ā  PSA Jury Panel Members consist of many world-famed Musicians, Music and TV industry people and Thought-leaders. Steveā€™s acclaimed and recent book, ā€œThe Power of Choice, Success and Your Life Purposeā€ is endorsed by numerous national best selling authors including Gary Zukav (ā€œSeat of the Soul,ā€ 10million + books sold), Don Miguel Ruiz MD (ā€œThe Four Agreementsā€),Caroline Myss PhD (ā€œAnatomy of the Spiritā€), Jack Kornfield PhD (founder of the Mindful Meditation Movement, author of ā€œA Path With A Heartā€), Larry Dossey MD (recent author of ā€œOne Mindā€ ā€“ former Director of the Nat. Inst. for Health, Alternative Medicine Division), Alexander Astin PhD (founder of UCLAā€™s Higher Education Research Institute), Jack Healey (former Exec. Dir. of Amnesty International) and more. National Best Selling Authors proclaim: Steveā€™s book is ā€¦ ā€œA TEXTBOOK for the Soulā€ ā€“ Caroline Myss, PhD (National Best-Selling author of ā€œAnatomy of the Spiritā€) ā€œRobertson is a Living Avatar on whose shining example our future may depend.ā€ā€“ Larry Dossey, MD (National Best Selling Author of ā€œOne Mindā€ and ā€œThe Power of Prayerā€) Steve book usesā€¦ā€beautiful metaphors and analogies that lead in every instance to awareness, self-responsibility, and our Divinityā€ ā€“ Gary Zukav (National Best Selling author of ā€œSeat of the Soulā€) Steveā€™s book is ā€¦ā€required reading for anyone who has longed to find and fulfill their life purpose.ā€ ā€“ Don Miguel Ruiz (National Best selling author of ā€œThe Four Agreementsā€) Steveā€™s bookā€¦ā€can empower you and help you bring your gifts to the world.ā€ ā€“ Jack Kornfield, PhD (National Best Selling Author of ā€œA Path With Heartā€) Steveā€™s book offers ā€¦ā€rich and spiritually authentic insights into the meaning of life and how to find and live your life purpose.ā€ ā€“ Gerald (Jerry) Jampolsky, M.D. and Diane Cirincione, Ph.D. (National Best Selling Authors, Pioneers in the Human Potential Movement) Steveā€™s book is ā€¦ā€a treasure trove of timeless wisdom and spiritual guidance.ā€ ā€“ Alexander Astin, PhD (Considered the worldā€™s most widely quoted person on Higher Education. Co-founder of UCLA Higher Education Research Institute. Best Selling Author of ā€œCultivating the Spiritā€.) Steveā€™s bookā€¦ā€looks at all of us in the eye and asks us to awaken to our own power and force.ā€ Jack Healey, former Executive Director of Amnesty International. Former Franciscan Monk.