Power Elites Launches Civil War Against Trump


What you are witnessing is a full court press to remove Donald Trump from the Presidency. The endless dribble from every corner of the gate keeping controlled media, the careerist bipartisan hacks, the diseased swamp ridden bureaucrat rats and the cowards who wave the flag of the establishment globalist order, all have banned together to take out the America First agenda. Trump was elected by populist discontent, but is now being betrayed by every faction who fears meaningful change in a corrupt political system that rules over the common man. Make no mistake about the stakes. A forced resignation, a contrived impeachment or an assassination for all to see are now in play. The establishment will not settle for anything less. The people be damned, it is time to show just who rules the United States.

Any sane person with a healthy constitution cannot watch ANY of the reporting about the staged Charlottesville confrontation. The Orwellian newspeak that echoes the disinformation that White Supremacists composed the Unite the Right rally at Emancipation Park is pure malicious hogwash. The ACLU and the Rutherford Institute issued a joint letter to protect the First Amendment rights of these activists. The U.S. District Court of Western Virginia ruled in favor of a temporary injunction to allow the rally to be permitted.

The only narrative that is allowed to permeate the collective consciousness of the “PC” culture is that the Black Lives Matter and their social warrior confederates where simply demonstrating against the hate embodied in white Christian traditionalists. Upon this monumental distortion of reality, a country in conflict is supposed to mobilize in support of the progressive left and condemn anyone who opposes their rewriting of history.

Folks, the plain simple truth is that the blame for violence wholly resides in the bought and paid for anarchist thugs who draws their own tangible bigotry from the Soros’ check book. Get real. The actual racists populate the loony ANTIFA left. Their devotion to Marxist doctrine may not be understood by the mentally maladjusted, but the elitist manipulators orchestrate their fantasy legions of malcontents to bully, club or burn down any opposition to their brave new world. The identity politics dogma demands that no other conviction is allowed and hostility towards anyone on the right is the cardinal doctrine.

The New Nationalist presents a position that may well be banned from the internet in the near future so watch the videos while they are still available.

“To be clear- TNN is sanity nationalist not white nationalist. Sanity nationalists are wide awake about anti-white slurs and won’t stand for it. We hate the insane. We hate untermensch. We love ubermensch. Sanity nationalists are pro-white in the sense of being uplifting and protective- but untermensch are excluded.

However at this stage there are many whites in America who are hardly supreme or high culture. In fact they need to be caged off and segregated into their own Ghost Ship satanic hell away from the sane. There they can conduct crocodile tear charity scams while their world burns down around them. The whites shown in these now commonplace videos are far from making the sanity cut at this point. Yes there is also a brood of insane black enemies and untermensch, but what to do with the “Insane White Question”? This untermensch will be the enemy for several generations to come. For some, there may be longer term hope in re-education, but the prognosis is grim.”

Now for those who cannot see past the drumbeat that the alt-right is the embodiment of all thinks hateful, heard the assessment from Mike Adams – WAKE UP, people! Alt-Left and Alt-Right are run by the same forces… the goal is “divide and conquer”.

“The goal of the Alt-Left and Alt-Right movements is to divide and conquer America through hatred and media lies that push false narratives for political gain.

As evidence of all this, note that Jason Kessler, the organizer of the Charlottesville event, actually worked for Obama and the Occupy movement just a few months ago. This man is a professional activist and social engineer who whips up big events on the world’s stage in order to achieve highly visible outcomes that can be seized by the mainstream media to condemn Trump supporters by labeling them all racists and “KKK.”

Much of the organized Left is funded either directly or indirectly by George Soros, the same radical left-wing operator who undercut freedom and liberty across numerous European countries. He’s the funding source behind ThinkProgress and 200+ other radical left-wing groups that constantly lie, defame and smear conservatives in order to sow hatred and division. Radical Alt-Right groups, similarly, are led by operatives who are very often working directly for the CIA and FBI. Nearly all the KKK racism you see on the news is contrived, elaborate theater carried out by these operatives.”

The puppet masters pulling the strings of civil unrest are intent upon destroying the America First movement by isolating the few genuine patriots who remain in the Trump administration.

With the departure of Stephen K. Bannon from the White House, the voice against the neocon and neolib skullduggery, along with the entrenched Obama holdovers is silenced. Ann Coulter blames media for Steve Bannon’s firing, but the true pressure operatives are the embedded government careerists, who views Trump’s campaign linguists as an existential threat to their ruling over the process of federal hegemony that enslaves all those deplorable citizens.

The totalitarian collectivist society is the only beneficiary of a social politically correct despotism. Even as Michael Savage Warns: Civil War Could Break Out If Trump Is Removed From Office, cites the obvious, most people relish their delusional ignorance as a sign of pride of inbred stupidity.

“So far it has appeared that if there is to be another civil war, it will likely be started by the Left. That has been made abundantly clear since Trump took office. The political fueled violence that we’ve seen on the streets of America this year has been initiated almost exclusively by the far left, and we hardly ever saw that kind of behavior from conservatives when the legislative and executive branches were run by liberals. They’ve clearly been the most aggressive and intolerant force in America for a long time, so they are the most likely to spark a war.”

The accurate difference between the intolerant alt-left mindless clones is that they are deep-rooted in group think, while the alt-right is populated by individualists endowed with independent thought. Facts do not exist, much less accepted by the extreme nihilists who preach their no hate drivel, while practicing the most intense discrimination against all things conservative found within Western Civilization.

Recollection of an honest representation of history is the enemy of the power brokers, who manage the social unrest so that the stated Trump agenda can be flushed down the crapper of their fecal matter multicultural society.

All the signs point to the demise of the Trump restructuring. However, the millions of disgruntled cohorts who voted against the comrades of the establishment will be faced with angry outrage if Trump is removed from office. Has Trump Already Been Indicted? Civil War Could Follow If Deep State Takes Out Duly Elected President sums up the consequences.

“If they are successful in bringing down this duly elected, constitutional president, as the Patribotics.blog suggests, the proverbial stuff is going to hit the fan. Trump supporters, Republicans, conservatives and even some Independents are going to see his coup as proof that all bets are off, that there is no legitimacy left in American government, and that all of “them” who comprise the Washington political establishment are the real enemies of freedom.”

President Trump is in a box and the walls are closing in. If he is crushed, it will be because he refused to fire, in mass; the back-stabbers he brought into his administration or the inherited conspirators that remained from previous regimes.

The pitiful response from the entire establishment is that they are following the communal pressure to abandon the Trump restoration program. What you are watching is the systematic disassembly of the popular will by the ruling elite.

America has become a failed experiment. The cause of this demise rests upon the transformation from a noble aspiration into a frightful nightmare. Alexis de Tocqueville, said in Democracy in America: “Society is endangered not by the great profligacy of a few, but by the laxity of morals amongst all.”

Clearly he could not envision the technocratic Silicon Valley tyranny that has come of age in this globalist gulag and prison planet. If Trump abandons his promise of championing a populist direction, his presidency will go up in flames. Whether the general public revolt will depend upon the moral intensity that remains within the heartland.

The NWO patricians are in the disinformation business. Civil chaos consolidates their empire and provides the excuse to scrap the last vestige of the constitution. “PC” = the “TC” totalitarian collectivism which intensifies every day.

SARTRE – August 22, 2017

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SARTRE is the pen name of James Hall, a reformed, former political operative. This pundit's formal instruction in History, Philosophy and Political Science served as training for activism, on the staff of several politicians and in many campaigns. A believer in authentic Public Service, independent business interests were pursued in the private sector. As a small business owner and entrepreneur, several successful ventures expanded opportunities for customers and employees. Speculation in markets, and international business investments, allowed for extensive travel and a world view for commerce. He is retired and lives with his wife in a rural community. "Populism" best describes the approach to SARTRE's perspective on Politics. Realities, suggest that American Values can be restored with an appreciation of "Pragmatic Anarchism." Reforms will require an Existential approach. "Ideas Move the World," and SARTRE'S intent is to stir the conscience of those who desire to bring back a common sense, moral and traditional value culture for America. Not seeking fame nor fortune, SARTRE's only goal is to ask the questions that few will dare ... Having refused the invites of an academic career because of the hypocrisy of elite's, the search for TRUTH is the challenge that is made to all readers. It starts within yourself and is achieved only with your sincere desire to face Reality. So who is SARTRE? He is really an ordinary man just like you, who invites you to join in on this journey. Resources: BATR Newsletter - BATR Forum