Vet Completes 1,000 Mile March Against PTSD and Veteran Suicide

Mark Ottto on the march Credit: Steve Scanlon
Mark Ottto on the march
Credit: Steve Scanlon

U.S. Marine Corps veteran Mark Otto will march from Vietnam Veterans Memorial Plaza to the 9/11 Memorial in Lower Manhattan Friday as the final leg of his 1,000 mile ruck march to raise funds and awareness for the battle against Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and veteran suicide.

Otto, a Desert Storm veteran, is a member of the United War Veterans Council, producers of the New York City Veterans Day Parade, America’s Parade, November 11. He also is active in numerous local veterans’ organizations, including Team Red White and Blue, Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 2179, and Operation Beachhead.

Otto has been marching in 15-20 mile segments in New York and New Jersey, carrying a fully loaded rucksack and an American flag that was flown in Iraq. Donations to his march benefit the Headstrong Project, which offers free treatment to veterans struggling with mental health issues.

“We lose over 20 veterans a day to suicide.  I’m just trying to do my part to raise awareness and support for those who are battling this epidemic,” said Otto. Along the way, I’ve had the chance to meet and educate so many wonderful people, and it’s clear that this is a challenge we can all unite behind.”

“We’re proud of Mark’s accomplishment, and of the example he is setting for fellow veterans and members of the public,” said United War Veterans Council President Dan McSweeney. “His effort shows how we can all take steps – literally – to generate support for the vital issues impacting our community.”

Otto and his supporters will gather at Vietnam Veterans Plaza, 55 Water Street in Lower Manhattan at 11 a.m. Friday and will begin the final leg of his march at 11:30 a.m.  He will march through Battery Park, past monuments honoring veterans of World War II and the Korean War, and will conclude his journey at the 9/11 Memorial.

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