Former Republican White House Aide and Navy SEAL James Waters Speaks Out Against Trump

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  1. Such propaganda reminds one of the alleged SEAL that allegedly murdered Osama bin Laden at the alleged Osama bin Laden compound in Abbatabad, Pakistan, in May 2011. It also reminds of the photo of CIA-MOSSAD puppet, Obama, and subordinate puppetry allegedly watching the alleged event on TV in the White House. However, the CIA director at the time, Leon Panetta, stated that NO signal was reaching the TV at which the Obama puppetry were staring. Obviously, the “false flag” photo is one of the string of CIA-MOSSAD organized false-flags staged during the Obama administrations, for which Obama shares guilt. The myth of “burial at sea” – as a Moslem custom – surprised Moslems, who had never heard of the custom. So much for the CIA-MOSSAD element of the U.S. Navy, which is traced back to the NAZI navy.

    Veterans today has repeatedly published the true identity of Osama bin Laden as a CIA agent, with the rank of colonel, who died on 13 Dec 2001. His death came after years of CIA-coordinated treatment for an allegedly inhereted renal system defect. Osama bin Laden stated that he had not assisted with the 9-11 event, which was verified by the FBI. Wikispooks published a thorough list of persons who were affiliated with the nuke demolition of the WTC, and veterans today has published details of the Ft. Lee, VA., HQ of the staging area of 9-11, with details.

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