The phrase, New World Order, just does not seem comprehensive enough to explain the circumstances that mankind is living under. The German expression, “weltanschauung” referred to as a philosophical view or apprehension of the universe is often used to ponder the human condition. Individual beliefs and understanding of the very nature of mankind was once seen in the convention of the Greek school of thought reflected in the teaching of Plato and Aristotle. Western Civilization essentially is based upon these principles and the cosmology of our heritage is involved and inseparable with an understanding of our spiritual dimension.
No honorable person can deny that the legacy of our history and common ancestry is a virtual oblivion of all that has proceeded. The transformation of culture and the adoption of social relative customs has been one of the fundamental consequences of rejecting the time-honored outlook on life. In its place, the idiom Nefarious Warrior Organism has been introduced in previous essays.
While the language of cruelty, oppression and dominance has always been part of societies, the uninterrupted march to impose a global gulag on all of humanity, is the most notable outcome of the system of technocratic control. Free Will is a cursed notion in this world of individual nothingness by which the singular person has no choice or intrinsic value.
The net result of The New World Order Zeitgeist is a hopelessness and meaningless existence.
“The “spirit of the times” for the New World Order worshipers is essentially anti-God sentiment. There is no longer an issue if the NWO is real. It operates as the dominant social matrix that engulfs the planet. Look around and the only cogent explanation for the absurdity that inflicts universal suffering rests upon an admission that humanity is evil to the core. Once religions recognized redemption and accepted that salvation as a divine gift. However, since the age of humanism and the supposed death of a supreme being, the planet has entered into an asylum of insanity and collective anguish. A detail examination of Humanism: Philosophy of the New World Order defines the parameters of the heterodoxy from all human history.”
If the substitute of Humanism for created submission is to be consummated for the entire planet, the entire past of revealed prophecy must be thrown out. This inevitable conclusion is usually missed or vigorously denied by proponents of eliminating Western Civilization, who want to establish a utopian social order based upon no Supreme Being authority.
Obeying the Nefarious Warrior Organism makes a crucial point. “Those who have doubts that God will intercede to defeat the juggernaut of world diabolic slavery should pause and reflect by what other power is possible to defeat the Nefarious Warrior Organism?”
Almost by definition, one cannot be a proponent of any or most of the policies or causes that advance world governance and be a moral person. The other term used to delineate the power structure that organizes and facilities all aspects of politics, economics and culture is “The Establishment”.
Unfortunately, no one substitute clearly jumps out as a more inclusive concept. The ensconced forces that constitute and administer the social culture, operate as if their authority is self-ordained. Basically this assumption of arrogance is their philosophy. Because they can, makes them lawful. They make up the rules and their subjects have no foundation to act independent from the dictates that are levied down on the unwashed masses.
The philosophy of ruling over subjects is consistent with every tyranny throughout history. What makes the NWO different is that the current age has the ability to totally control the institutions and organizational apparatus that keeps the elites in command of their systems of supremacy.
When the canons of Western thought are removed from the levers of society, the only residue left becomes the philosophy of submission. Since the huddled masses are operating on severely diminished cognitive ability, the timid response to oppression is marginal at best.
The New World Order preaches democracy, while governing over enslaved serfs. The obvious extent and predictable outcomes can only lead to a prison planet. Yet the dutiful team players keep the structure going out of a false sense that the system works or nothing can be done to clean up the mess.
In this era of religious disbelief, the alternative is to trust in nothing or worship idols of perdition. When faith in the gospels is absent, there can be no salvation from the worldly power brokers. Nonetheless, the dysphoric regime of fable illusions promotes their deceit to a public, who have no permanent moral compass.
When a philosophy that allows anything is possible, the gullible discover that nobody finds serenity. As the earth spins more and more out of control and the risk of chaos infiltrates ever corner of society, the prospects for a meaningful life evaporates.
Still the New World Order operates under a false premise that promises a brave new world of temporal perfection by using a destructive substitute for a metaphysical source of authority.. Their fantasy of dissimulation seeks to exploit their own version of Spirituality in the New World Order: Is a One World Religious Authority in Formation? The function of:
“Spirituality”, in its broadest sense, gives people a conduit to a higher source, a power which the rulers of this world cannot control. Whatever people call that power – God, Divinity or Higher Consciousness – spirituality can provide a way for people to connect to and derive strength from that higher source in some way.”
However, the NWO Synagogue of Satan is advancing a strategy of an anti-Christ world religion.
“The campaign against alternative spirituality may be the first step in this war on consciousness. It has served to cut down on spiritual options within society, while conditioning people to fear alternative spiritual possibilities. It has made taboo any attempt to organize in a spiritual group or community outside of major established religious institutions. When operating outside the status quo is automatically suspect, people are more likely to conform, and less likely to venture outside the box.
The global control of religions may be the next step. After the options have been cut down, this strategy may serve to control and influence the spiritual options that remain.”
This redefining away from a God fearing source of universal creation with a Nefarious Warrior Organism philosophy of a cosmogenesis that can only end in planetary hell is the essence of this creed of evil.
The foundational dogma in this Philistine system of mendacity is the elimination of any personal dignity of the individual. By obviating Free Will, the distorted NWO epistemology seeks to become the replacement for God. This substitution for the Creator allows for the invention of counterfeit Supreme Being in the congregation church of collectivism.
Anti-intellectualism is the basic method of systematization in this canon of condemnation. Belief or faith in the Divine is excoriated, while the very nature of accepting the heresy of the New World Order is in effect the ultimate postulation against reality.
So much of the narrative that goes into dissecting the NWO focuses upon the political and economic results that are globalizing the world. Because the endeavor of spiritual scholarship or mysticism reflection is ridiculed in the normal practice of temporal activities, the notion of eternal life and a last judgment is dismissed as provincial.
When rudimentary interactions conduct behavior in the absence of a sincere spiritual dimension, the forces of duplicity achieve their goal of worldwide capitulation.
In Power and Authority: Definition, Nature and Theory, political scientist Leslie Lipson is cited: “What demarcates authority from power is that the former is power recognized as rightful. Authority is government that all accept as valid. Its exercise is, therefore, sectioned by those who approve the particular act or agent and is tolerated by those who disapprove. … Authority is power clothed in the garments of legitimacy”.
Obviously, by limiting power to governmental organizations, the cardinal element of supremacy is avoided by not acknowledging the prime mover. If authority to be valid must secure the component of legitimacy, there is no way that the New World Order can be justifiable.
Even when the factions of world dominance wheeled their power, the philosophy used to implement their will is based upon might makes right. This thesis is not any different and has been used by every tyrant that ever lusted for mastery.
Plato’s Philosopher King was no enlightened ruler of a genuine republic. However, Plato’s training in the Socratic Method provided the cornerstone of critical thinking. As the NWO authoritarianism implements their technocratic despotism, the international revolt against globalism needs to adopt humility to the only authority that is valid, God.
Those who reject this requirement are doomed to eternal damnation with a distinctive preview under the “so called” Master of the Universe who plots endlessly to enslave humanity. If so inclined, Faith in Christ Lives and Spirit and Flesh may provide some insights on combating the evil NWO end times cabal.
SARTRE – June 14, 2016
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SARTRE is the pen name of James Hall, a reformed, former political operative. This pundit’s formal instruction in History, Philosophy and Political Science served as training for activism, on the staff of several politicians and in many campaigns.
A believer in authentic Public Service, independent business interests were pursued in the private sector. As a small business owner and entrepreneur, several successful ventures expanded opportunities for customers and employees. Speculation in markets, and international business investments, allowed for extensive travel and a world view for commerce. He is retired and lives with his wife in a rural community.
“Populism” best describes the approach to SARTRE’s perspective on Politics. Realities, suggest that American Values can be restored with an appreciation of “Pragmatic Anarchism.” Reforms will require an Existential approach. “Ideas Move the World,” and SARTRE’S intent is to stir the conscience of those who desire to bring back a common sense, moral and traditional value culture for America.
Not seeking fame nor fortune, SARTRE’s only goal is to ask the questions that few will dare … Having refused the invites of an academic career because of the hypocrisy of elite’s, the search for TRUTH is the challenge that is made to all readers. It starts within yourself and is achieved only with your sincere desire to face Reality.
So who is SARTRE? He is really an ordinary man just like you, who invites you to join in on this journey.
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