Liberal MP’s flyer wrongly tells constituents Liberals restored veterans’ pensions



By John Paul Tasker

A Liberal MP has sent flyers to his constituents touting the government’s record on the veterans file, claiming it has already restored lifetime pensions for wounded veterans — when in fact it has done no such thing.

CBC News first reported last month that the Liberal government is actually taking veterans, who are pushing for the restoration of this benefit, back to court after a legal truce of sorts reached by the former Conservative government expired in May.

  • Court action over veterans benefits turns ‘Liberal election campaign into a lie,’ lawyer sayshire vets
  • Frustration over New Veterans Charter boils over in lawyer’s letter to Liberal MPs
  • ‘Doing right’ by injured veterans with lifelong pension plan, Trudeau says

Justice department lawyers are now purportedly advancing the same legal arguments used during the Harper era, namely that Canada does not have a social contract or covenant with veterans, and that a “scheme providing benefits cannot be said to amount to a deprivation merely because claimant views the benefits as insufficient.”

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