Suicide Is More Than Just A Veteran Problem



By Brian Wagner

No number is as wrought with consequence in the veterans community as 22, which has become a rallying cry for a wide range of groups and concerned individuals seeking to reduce the daily veteran suicide rate. At the same time, no number is so misleading or misunderstood.

Now veterans have a reason to look beyond 22, to a new number: 24.

On April 22, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Center for Health Statistics released a new study that reinforces that the suicide crisis in America is not limited to veterans. Over the last 15 years, researchers found, the national suicide rate has risen by 24%, surging across nearly every age group and demographic. In 2014 alone, 42,773 Americans committed suicide.

“Suicide is not just a mental health issue,” one CDC scientist told the Huffington Post, “it is a public health issue, and ithire vets is preventable.”

To prevent suicide most effectively, it must be discussed and treated holistically, not partitioned within subsets of the population.

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