Finding new ways to manage pain will cut down veterans’ opioid abuse




Local VA hospitals are on the cutting edge of tackling how opioids are used to manage pain and their approaches could be a model that spreads nationwide.

Finding new and innovative ways to manage pain for veterans and those being treated at the VA will help cut down on the problem of opioid abuse.

That’s what a panel of VA officials and other experts told a House veteran’s affairs subcommittee holding a field hearing on Friday in Concord.

“Too often it appears that the kind of first line of treatment is give them drugs,” said Rep. Mike Coffman, R-Colorado.

Officials said that about half of the veterans getting treatment from the VA suffer from some type of chronic pain.hire vets

Opiods are often prescribed, but they may not be the answer.
At the veterans’ hospitals in White River Junction, Vermont, and in Manchester, programs have been introduced to manage pain through chiropractic treatment, low-powered laser therapy and acupuncture.

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