Rutgers program to help NJ veterans get medical care sooner



By Joe Cutter

Rutgers University has launched a new statewide initiative to speed up the process for New Jersey veterans trying to get medical and mental health care.

Veterans Total Care Initiative is a six-month pilot program supported by a $5 million grant from the New Jersey Department of Health.

Rutgers University Behavioral Health Care National Call Center, Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School and New Jersey Medical School are all working together to make sure the state’s estimated 400,000 veterans get the attention they need.

The program is aimed toward veterans who may be dissatisfied with the services provided by the Veterans Administration or who lack health insurance.hire vets

“You have some individuals who have been waiting for appointments for quite some time with the VA (Veterans Affairs),” said Terrell McCain, a program manager at the call center and an Iraq veteran who had to wait years to be treated for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

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