Veterans Outreach Center helping U.S. Military Members Transition to Civilian Life

Veterans Outreach Center committed to assessing and developing future programming that responds to the successful transitioning and well-being of our military population.


by Todd Baxter

Given recent exposure of the financial accountability of the nationally based Wounded Warrior Project, it’s important to stress the fiscal responsiveness of our local veteran efforts. Contributions to Rochester Veterans Outreach Center (VOC), and other like organizations, are invested in projects that transition local heroes back into our community.

Richards House, a residence for veterans, is but one example of this community’s assets. Veterans live with us for up to two years as they integrate to their new community, build new skills, and develop contacts in a region they may have not been in for years.

Other VOC programming provides our returning military personnel with access to transitional transportation, mental health services, education counseling, training, and medical supports that eventually lead to their independence in the civilian setting.

As a trusted advocate for local veterans, VOC successfully trained and placed over 400 returning service members into gainful employment opportunities in 2015. As these veterans begin to maintain economic stability, they reinvest those dollars as consumers and taxpayers.hire vets

Veterans Outreach Center is committed to assessing and developing future programming that responds to the
successful transitioning and well-being of our military population.

Ultimately, these efforts provide several dividends to our neighborhoods through a strengthened local economy, reductions in unemployment, and furthering a positive reputation of the region.

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The Secrets For A Successful Transition was created by Veteran Car Donations
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