Chicago Teens And Combat Veterans Join Forces To Process Trauma

Alyssa Schukar for NPR


If you took a map of Chicago and put down a tack for each person shot last year, you’d need nearly 3,000 tacks.

Of those, 101 would be clustered in the neighborhood of East Garfield Park. That’s where 15-year-old Jim Courtney-Clarks lives.

“To be honest, I really don’t like it,” Courtney-Clarks says. “Every time you look up somebody else is getting killed, and I never know if it’s me or somebody I am really close to.”

For kids in some Chicago neighborhoods, walking up and down the same street where there was a beating or a shooting or a body is just part of life — one that isn’t always talked about.hire vets

That’s something the Urban Warriors program is trying to change. The YMCA of Metro Chicago project connects kids like Courtney-Clarks, who live in high-violence neighborhoods, with veterans who have served in Iraq or Afghanistan and who might understand what they’re going through.

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