Las Vegas homeless veterans advocate attends speech



By Jim Meyers

Just one year after being a homeless veteran, Cynthia Dias of Las Vegas was a special guest Tuesday in first lady Michelle Obama’s box listening to the president of the United States deliver his State of the Union address.

“It was an outstanding speech,” Dias said, checking off the many issues addressed by President Barack Obama in his televised speech to the nation from the historic U.S. House chamber.

Sitting several seats away from the first lady, Dias spent most of the speech leaning forward as she listened intently to the president’s words.

In addition to attending the presidential address on Capitol Hill, Dias and Arnold Stalk, founder of the nonprofit hire vetsVeterans Village, where Dias now lives and works as a volunteer homeless veterans advocate, met with senior adviser Valerie Jarrett and the first lady at the White House.

“Cynthia and I stood in front of the White House for a while and just said a prayer,” Stalk said, describing the entire experience as “surreal.”

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