On Sunday morning, Bernie Sanders addressed the Veterans’ Affairs scandals during an interview with Bob Schieffer on CBS’ “Face the Nation.” During the six-minute segment, the Vermont senator and Democratic presidential candidate made it clear that he believes taking care of military veterans is a high priority. He outlined plans to address long wait times and hinted at criminal prosecution for those who falsified documents and “gamed” the system.
The Veterans Affairs Administration has been under fire for long wait times and falsified documents claiming veterans received care when they did not. A CNN report in September claims that up to 307,000 veterans may have died while waiting for their applications for care to be processed. The VA’s inspector general discovered that in one case, one veteran’s application had been in “pending” status from 1998 until 2012.
Schieffer hit Bernie Sanders hard with questions regarding the long wait times and lack of care many veterans have endured with the VA. Bernie Sanders is the chairman of the Senate Veterans Affairs Committee, and interview hit on some important points for those who rely on the service to get their medical care.
Sanders addressed the problem as a multi-faceted issue.
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