Wake Forest law students start clinic to help veterans



By Michael Hewlett Winston

When military veterans return home from duty, they can find civilian life disorienting and difficult to navigate.

“The most confusing days are the first day in the Army and the first day out of the Army,” said Josh Harper, a former U.S. Army captain and a third-year law student at Wake Forest University. Harper was deployed to Afghanistan for nine months, mostly in 2012, and served as a military intelligence officer from September 2008 to June 2013.

Harper said when you’re in the military, you have a chain of command you can turn to when you have to deal with issues. That doesn’t necessarily exist in the same way in civilian life, he said.

And for veterans who are dealing with routine legal issues, that can pose a challenge, he said.hire vets

That’s where the new Veterans Legal Clinic, associated with Wake Forest University School of Law, comes in. The legal clinic was officially launched this fall, said Steve Virgil, a professor at the school. Virgil is the executive director of the law school’s experiential education programs.

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