By Steve Rubenstein
Like an old soldier squaring off on a new battlefield, the Veterans Day parade is moving this year to Fisherman’s Wharf in what organizers are calling an attempt to reinforce the front line of spectators.
The annual parade has suffered from falling attendance in recent years. On Sunday morning, it’s regrouping for another charge.
“We had to do something different,” longtime parade organizer Wally Levin said. “Like sports teams when things are not going well, they shake up the lineup. That’s why we moved the parade from Market Street.”
On Sunday, the parade will proceed past the the souvenir stands and wax museums of Jefferson Street instead of the largely vacant weekend corridor of downtown. Holding the parade on Market Street, Levin said, came to be “like holding it in the Grand Canyon.”
“We’d have a better crowd if we all marched naked,” Levin said, before hastily adding, “We’re not going to do that.”
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