Veterans, mental health advocates work to reduce stigma



By Amanda Oglesby

Many of 67-year-old Wagenbach’s compatriots in the Vietnam War came home and struggled with mental health issues as they returned to civilian life and, sometimes, joblessness.

“There’s Vietnam veterans who live on the street,” the Brick resident said. “They need assistance when they come out financial (and) mental.”

That’s why Wagenbach and dozens of motorcycle riders joined the Mental Health Association of Monmouth County and the State Police on Sunday for the “Ride for Patriots.”

The bikers, many of whom are veterans themselves, lined their motorcycles around the New Jersey Vietnam hire vetsVeterans’ Memorial in Holmdel on that muggy morning. From there, they rode to the Veterans of Foreign Wars post in Manasquan for lunch, then watched a documentary about healing after military service called “Project 22,”  at Manasquan High School.

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