Heroin epidemic affecting Connecticut’s veterans




Veterans are the latest victims of the heroin epidemic sweeping across Connecticut. U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal says many veterans are returning home with pain that is often addressed by over-prescription and opiate abuse.

The statistics are startling. In 2012, there were 195 deadly heroin, morphine, or codeine overdoses in Connecticut. One year later, that number jumped to 284. It skyrocketed in 2014, to 347 deaths.

“About 50-percent of our veterans come back with pain that is treated with prescription drugs or are often over-prescribed, and that may lead to heroin abuse and addiction that is a scourge and epidemic throughout our state,” said Senator Blumenthal.

He blames the rise in deaths and the increasing addiction rates on the availability of illegal hire vetsdrugs, the lack of adequate resources to address addiction, and the prescribing of pain killers.

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