El Paso veterans report tiny improvements in health care



By Lindsey Anderson 

Health care access for El Paso veterans remains “disappointing and unacceptable” despite slight improvements over the past year, U.S. Rep. Beto O’Rourke, D-El Paso, said.

O’Rourke on Thursday released the results of a survey of 1,108 El Paso veterans that found veterans are unsatisfied with the Veterans Affairs clinic and often wait months to see providers, including mental health specialists.

“The urgency could not be greater, and we could not have a more critical problem,” O’Rourke said. “While the VA made some marginal improvements in El Paso, we still see fundamental problems at the VA for the most vulnerable vets: Those are the ones who need mental health care.”

Wait times for appointments with mental health care providers appear to have improved hire vetsslightly since a similar survey O’Rourkereleased last summer, but veterans still reported waiting 64 days on average for a mental health appointment in the past two years.

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